Download Dr. Rath's Open Letter (PDF, 189 kB)
A series of Congressional Hearings were held about 9/11 and the ‘War on Terror’ and the reports thereof have become bestsellers. They concluded that George Bush and his Administration have continuously deceived the public, obstructed investigations at the highest level and deliberately withheld critical information from millions of Americans. But surprisingly, none of these reports addressed the decisive question: why would a government lie to its own people on matters of life and death?
The answer to this question is even more important since George Bush has made the ‘War on Terror’ the central theme of his attempt to get re-elected and his unscrupulous warning to the people of America to continue this ‘state of war’ for years to come. The answer to this key question will decide the outcome of the presidential election.
Did you know the facts that:
New York City, September 11, 2001. Almost 3,000 innocent people died in this tragedy. The same number of people die every ten days from side effects of prescription drugs (Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA, April 15, 1998).
More than one million Americans die each year from preventable diseases because the Pharma-Cartel deliberately denies them access to life-saving information on natural health.
The pharmaceutical industry is an investment industry that defrauds millions of people by promising them health yet the growth of this industry depends on the continuation and expansion of diseases as markets for their patentable drugs.
The consequences of ‘Pharma-Fraud’ and ‘Pharma-Terror’ on the lives of the American people. For the past decades, more than one million lives could have been saved each year if the vital information on effective and safe natural health approaches had not been deliberately withheld by the pharmaceutical cartel and its political stake holders – in particular the Bush dministration.
The people in America are waking up to the fact that another unthinkable dimension has to be added to the multi-trillion dollar ‘Pharma-Fraud’ – the ‘Pharma-Terror’ being responsible for unnecessary deaths in genocidal proportions.
Did you know the facts that:
What did George Bush do? The recent Congressional Report on 9/11 revealed: George Bush decided to do nothing!
George Bush’s ‘War on Terror’ is nothing other than a smoke screen to protect the ‘Pharmaceutical Terror Organization’. Its executives and financiers are responsible for the ongoing unnecessary death of millions of patients in America alone.
The ‘War against Terror’ and the war against Iraq are not primarily about fighting ‘terrorism’ or conquering oil fields. It is part of a long-term strategy of the pharmaceutical/petrochemical investment groups to create the psychological state of fear to maintain global control.
Long term international conflicts, wars – even the use of weapons of mass destruction – can be used to achieve this goal and suppress any opposition.
Fact Sheet: ‘Militant Terrorism’ vs. ‘Pharmaceutical Terrorism’ |
Militant Terror-Organization | Pharmaceutical Terror-Organization | |
Small Determined Group | Yes | Yes (Investors) |
Goals of Terror-Strategy | Religious, Ethnic | Financial Greed |
Terror-Plan not Publicly Visible | Yes | Yes (Pharma-Fraud) |
Pursues its Interests at All Costs | Yes | Yes (Buys Influence) |
Risk Innocent Lives for its Goals | Yes | Yes (Daily) |
Form of Violence | Armed Violence | Institutionalized Violence |
Responsible for the death of how many people | Thousands | Millions of Patients Every Day |
Our Foundation takes responsibility for presenting the facts. It is up to the people of America to draw the right conclusions and to act. The most urgent task is to fight the daily ‘Pharma Terrorism’ that threatens the health and life of every family in America. To achieve this goal, two steps are essential:
Berlin, February 27, 1933. 71 Years ago, the German Parliament building, the Reichstag, was set on fire. This event delivered the pretense for the transformation of a democracy into a dictatorship on behalf of the largest European corporate chemical Cartel – the precondition for WWII.
71 years ago, an event shocked the world and set the stage for the last World War. On February 28, 1933 the German parliament building, the Reichstag, was set on fire.
The official version that ‘terrorists’ had led the attack was soon questioned by many. Today it is a fact that the burning of the Reichstag was deliberately used as a pretense and that the ‘empowerment laws’ following this event had been prepared in advance.
Following the burning of the Reichstag:
This disaster provided the legal platform for 12 years of dictatorship in Germany and for WWII. The main benefactor of this war was IG-Farben, the largest European chemical Cartel seeking control of the oil and chemical industry across Europe and worldwide.
In the Nuremberg War Tribunal in 1946/47 this Chemical Cartel was tried for ‘attack war’, ‘robbery’ and ‘slavery’ and – as a result – it was dismantled into Bayer, BASF and Hoechst.
This War Tribunal established that without these corporations, World War II would not have been possible. US-Chief Prosecutor Telford Taylor stated: “If their guilt is not brought to the daylight, they will do even more harm in future generations.” Then and now millions of decent people are in danger of being mislead by their own governments. And those who do not learn the lessons from history are doomed to live through it again!