Why Millions of Americans Cannot Get Flu Shots
November 1, 2004
Codex: The Controversy Continues
November 25, 2004

Health is an inalienable human right

Firm protest in Bonn against
Codex plans

Read what happened at the meeting in Bonn in November 2004

On Sunday 31 October the Dr. Rath Health Foundation welcomed an international audience to the large auditorium of Bad Godesburg municipal hall in Bonn. “Stop Codex“ was the urgent appeal, with the message: “We say ‘No’ to the unscrupulous plans of the Codex Alimentarius Commission to prohibit free access to natural remedies and information about them.” Since Monday 1 November the Commission has been meeting again in Bonn, under German patronage, to drive forward goals which wholly disregard human needs and rights.

Dr. Matthias Rath left no doubt about who is responsible for the Codex plans: none other than the pharmaceutical cartel, which for countless years has been promising health but spreading illness. The profits of the pharmaceutical investment industry depend on the continued survival and expansion of its markets in patented drugs, genetically modified foods and synthetic food additives – despite the fact that there is an alternative to ineffectual pharmaceutical medicine, embodied in scientifically based, effective natural remedies without side effects, such as Cellular Medicine.

The large audience attending the event at Bad Godesberg municipal hall clearly demonstrated that it was composed of people intent on taking responsibility themselves: responsibility for preventing the pharmaceutical cartel from continuing to turn the human body into a market place for its “business with disease”.

Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, director of the Dr. Rath Research Institute in California, gave information about Cellular Medicine’s latest, encouraging research results, highlighting the fact that the strength of this natural approach to medicine lies in its scientific foundation.

Dr. Wong Ang Peng from Malaysia gave a committed and passionate lecture on the successes he has been able to achieve with the help of Cellular Medicine in combating endemic diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and cancer.

Paul Taylor, as British expert on the “Codex Alimentarius”, supported Dr. Rath’s appeal to protest actively against the Codex plans. He encouraged the audience and people throughout the world to send e-mails and, in particular, letters and faxes to members of the German and European parliaments, and decisively reject plans to prohibit free access to natural remedies. “All of us must act. Just think about it: the life you save might be your own,” said Taylor, giving the audience something to ponder.

Adv. Anthony Brink, high court advocate and former magistrate from South Africa, reported on his battle against the pharmaceutical drug business based on AIDS. Expensive, ineffective anti-AIDS drugs are sold there – a medical catastrophe which harms whole generations of socially disadvantaged AIDS patients.

The programme of accompanying events in the municipal hall’s foyer met with a very warm response. At the Dr. Rath Health Foundation stand, hundreds of signatures were collected against the Codex Alimentarius plans. Werner Pilniok spoke of the aims of his patient association, which include providing a communication forum for patients harmed by pharmaceutical medicine.

On Monday 1 November a large crowd of people gathered at the Brotfabrik cultural centre in the Beuel district of Bonn, in order to join a protest march with Dr. Rath past the building in which the Codex Commission had on the same day begun its meeting to realise its unscrupulous aims. Banners showed their absolute determination to continue the protest against the plans, regulations and laws being driven forward to protect the global pharmaceutical market.

“Stop Codex, free access to natural remedies” declared this group of critics battling for a healthy world. When the protesters reached their destination there were several addresses, in which Dr. Rath, Dr. Niedzwiecki and other committed doctors and members of the Dr. Rath Health Alliance gave their solid vote in favour of free access to vitamins and natural remedies. They appealed to Codex delegates not simply to implement the profit-orientated guidelines of the pharmaceutical cartel, but to listen to their own conscience. For health is an inalienable human right that no one has the right to curtail.

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