Vitamin C is the key nutrient for the stability of blood vessels, the heart and all other organs in our bodies. Without vitamin C, our bodies would literally collapse and dissolve, as in scurvy. Vitamin C is responsible for the optimum production and function of collagen, elastin and other connective tissue molecules that give stability to our blood vessels and our entire bodies.
Vitamin C is important for fast wound healing throughout our bodies, including the healing of millions of tiny wounds and lesions inside our blood vessel walls. It is the most important antioxidant in the body. Optimum amounts of vitamin C effectively protect the cardiovascular system and body against biological rusting.
Vitamin C is also a cofactor for a series of biological catalysts (enzymes), which are important for the improved metabolism of cholesterol, triglycerides and other risk factors. This helps to decrease the risk for cardiovascular disease. It is an important energy molecule needed to recharge energy carriers inside the cells.
Niacin is an important nutrient, essential as the cofactor of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and related energy carrier molecules. This energy carrier molecule is one of the most important energy transport systems in the entire body.
Millions of these carriers are created and recharged (by vitamin C) inside the cellular energy centres of the cardiovascular system and the body. Cell life, and life in general, would not be possible without this energy carrier.
Pantothenate is the cofactor of coenzyme A, the central fuel molecule in the metabolism of our heart cells, blood vessel cells and all other cells. The metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats inside each cell all lead to a single molecule, acetyl-coenzyme A. This molecule is the key molecule that helps to convert all food into cell energy.
This important molecule is actually composed, in part, of vitamin B5 and the importance of supplementing this vitamin is evident. Again, cell life would not be possible without this vitamin.
Thiamine functions as the cofactor of an important biocatalyst called pyrophosphate. This catalyst is involved in phosphate metabolism in our cells, another key energy source that optimizes millions of reactions in cardiovascular and other cells.
Riboflavin is the cofactor for flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), one of the most important carrier molecules of cellular energy inside the tiny energy centers (power plants) of all cells.
Vitamin B6 is the cofactor of pyridoxal phosphate, an important cofactor for the metabolism of amino acids and proteins in cardiovascular and other cells. Vitamin B6 is needed for the production of red blood cells, which are the carriers of oxygen to the cells of the cardiovascular system and all other cells in the body. Vitamin B6 is also essential for the optimum structure and function of collagen fibres.
Vitamin B12 is needed for the proper metabolism of fatty acids and certain amino acids in the cells of our bodies. Vitamin B12 is also required for the production of red blood cells. A severe deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause a disease called pernicious anaemia, which is characterized by an insufficient production of blood cells.
Folic Acid is a very important nutrient for the production of red blood cells and oxygen supply. The last three vitamins are good examples of how these bio-energy molecules work together in synergy, like an orchestra.
Without proper oxygen transport to all the cells, their function would be impaired, no matter how much of the other vitamins you might take. It is, therefore, important to supplement your diet as completely as possible with the right essential nutrients in the right amounts.
Biotin is needed for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Beta-carotene is also called pro-vitamin A, and is another important fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin. Like vitamin E, it is transported primarily in lipoprotein particles in the bloodstream to millions of body cells. Also like vitamin E, beta-carotene prevents these fat particles from rusting and damaging the cardiovascular system.
Beta-carotene is documented in a rapidly growing number of clinical studies as another protective agent against cardiovascular disease. Similarly to vitamin E, beta-carotene has been shown to decrease the risk of blood clotting.
Vitamin D is essential for optimum calcium and phosphate metabolism in the body. Vitamin D is needed for the growth and stability of the bones and teeth. For centuries, vitamin D deficiency was a frequent children’s condition, causing retarded growth and malformation. Thus, in many countries, milk is enriched with vitamin D. Vitamin D is also essential for optimum calcium metabolism in the artery walls, including the removal of calcium from atherosclerotic deposits.
Vitamin E is the most important fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin. It protects, particularly, the membranes of the cells in our cardiovascular systems. Vitamin E also prevents free radical attacks and oxidative damage.
Vitamin E is carried in low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and other cholesterol and fat-transporting particles. Taken in optimum amounts, vitamin E can prevent these fat particles from oxidizing (biological rusting) and damaging the inside of blood vessel walls.
Vitamin E has been shown to render the platelets in blood circulation less sticky and, thereby, keep the blood thin and decrease the risk of blood clotting.