For the past 16 years, September 29 has been declared as World Heart Day. Initiated by the World Heart Federation (WHF), a non-governmental organization based in Geneva, Switzerland, the supposed aim is to spread awareness about the prevention of heart disease and stroke. Supported by a range of partners that include multibillion-dollar corporations from the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, along with members representing some of the world’s most influential organizations in the field of orthodox cardiology, the WHF portrays itself as leading the global fight against cardiovascular diseases.
In reality, however, while it noted in 2010 that low vitamin and mineral levels increase the risk of cardiovascular problems, it continues to promote the illusion that these diseases can be prevented with drugs.
World Health Organization statistics show that around 17.5 million people died from cardiovascular diseases in 2012, representing 31 percent of global deaths that year. This makes them the number 1 cause of death worldwide. Notably, it is estimated that their annual cost to the global economy is around US $863 billion. By 2030 this total is expected to have risen to a staggering US $1,044 billion (US $1.04 trillion) per year. Clearly, therefore, an effective globally implemented solution to the cardiovascular epidemic is urgently needed.
A study presented in 2010 at the World Congress of Cardiology found that people with decreased micronutrient intake have a significantly higher risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, and all-cause mortality. The official congress of the WHF, the World Congress of Cardiology describes itself as offering “an international stage for the latest developments in science and public outreach in the field of cardiovascular health.”
The World Heart Federation knows that low levels of micronutrients increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. So why hasn’t it presented any major follow up work on this finding?
Examining data on a total of 9,450 participants aged 45 and older, the study found that a decreased micronutrient intake was associated with a 1.4 times higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease in White Americans, 1.3 times higher in African Americans and 1.6 times higher in Mexican Americans. Commenting on these results, Dr. Longjian Liu, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at Drexel University School of Public Health, Philadelphia, specifically stated that “people should ensure that they are maintaining healthy micronutrient levels to help reduce their future risk” of cardiovascular disease.
In view of this, the question has to be asked as to why, given that it is clearly aware of a relationship between micronutrient intake and cardiovascular disease, the WHF hasn’t presented any major follow up work in this area? Could it be that some of its multibillion-dollar corporate partners might not approve?
As Dr. Rath pointed out in his keynote lecture at a Cellular Medicine Symposium held in Maastricht in April 2015, what our doctors are taught in medical schools today cannot be the truth. If it was, many of the diseases that still haunt mankind in epidemic proportions in the twenty-first century would no longer exist. Ultimately, any disease can only occur so long as the mechanisms for its control have either not yet been discovered, or are not being applied in medical practice. To control the cardiovascular epidemic, we must therefore look for new, effective approaches that correctly address its primary cause.
As Dr. Rath’s research has revealed, coronary heart disease occurs for exactly the same reason that clinical (early) scurvy does – a deficiency of vitamin C in the cells of the artery walls. While the average human diet provides enough vitamin C to prevent scurvy, this is not enough to guarantee stable artery walls. As a consequence of this vitamin C deficiency, millions of tiny cracks and lesions develop in the arterial walls. Subsequently, cholesterol, lipoproteins and other blood risk factors enter to repair this damage.
Of all these risk factors, by far the most important is a molecule known as Lipoprotein(a). Primarily found in humans and sub-human primates, Lipoprotein(a) functions as a repair molecule compensating for the structural impairment of the artery walls. In the case of a chronic deficiency of vitamin C, this repair process becomes continuous. Over the course of many years, atherosclerotic deposits develop, eventually leading to heart attacks and strokes.
Learn how heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and other cardiovascular conditions can be prevented naturally, without drugs, by reading Dr. Rath’s groundbreaking book.
As with other awareness campaigns run by global health organizations these days, it is a tragedy that the official information provided on World Heart Day ignores the fact that the primary cause of chronic diseases is already well understood. Drugs are not – and never will be – the answer to cardiovascular disorders. Instead, true prevention of heart attacks and strokes can only be achieved through obtaining an optimum daily intake of specific micronutrients – in particular, vitamin C.
Increasingly, therefore, with information on nutritional and Cellular Medicine freely available on the internet, cardiovascular patients are researching the facts for themselves. For this reason, how quickly heart attacks and strokes are reduced to a fraction of their current incidence will ultimately depend not on the WHF’s annual World Heart Day campaigns, but on ordinary people examining the scientific evidence for themselves and, armed with the facts, taking their health into their own hands.