Patients are not being warned that metformin, a drug commonly prescribed for diabetes patients, lowers levels of vitamin B12 and can trigger peripheral neuropathy – a form of nerve damage – and other serious health problems.
The primary cause of type 2 diabetes has been shown through Dr. Rath’s Cellular Medicine research to be a long-term deficiency of certain micronutrients in the cells of the pancreas, the blood vessel walls, the liver, and other organs. In the light of this knowledge, it is clear that drugs such as metformin are not the answer to conquering this disease.
To successfully prevent and control type 2 diabetes, consuming less salt; eating a healthy diet low in sugar and refined carbohydrates; drinking plenty of fresh, glass-bottled, still water; and taking plenty of exercise can all certainly help. But for optimum results, addressing the primary cause – micronutrient deficiency – is absolutely essential.
To read how Dr. Rath’s scientific research and numerous independent clinical studies have clearly documented the important roles of vitamin C, vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium and chromium in helping to prevent diabetes and normalize blood sugar levels, read this article by Mirja Holtrop.
Read article in the Daily Express (UK)
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Patients are not being warned that metformin, a drug commonly prescribed for diabetes patients, lowers levels of vitamin B12 and can trigger peripheral neuropathy – a form of nerve damage – and other serious health problems.
The primary cause of type 2 diabetes has been shown through Dr. Rath’s Cellular Medicine research to be a long-term deficiency of certain micronutrients in the cells of the pancreas, the blood vessel walls, the liver, and other organs. In the light of this knowledge, it is clear that drugs such as metformin are not the answer to conquering this disease.
To successfully prevent and control type 2 diabetes, consuming less salt; eating a healthy diet low in sugar and refined carbohydrates; drinking plenty of fresh, glass-bottled, still water; and taking plenty of exercise can all certainly help. But for optimum results, addressing the primary cause – micronutrient deficiency – is absolutely essential.
To read how Dr. Rath’s scientific research and numerous independent clinical studies have clearly documented the important roles of vitamin C, vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium and chromium in helping to prevent diabetes and normalize blood sugar levels, read this article by Mirja Holtrop.
Read article in the Daily Express (UK)Dr. Rath Health Foundation
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