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More Vitamin K Linked To Fewer Bone Fractures In Children


Increased levels of vitamin K are associated with lower rates of low-energy fracture incidence in children and adolescents, according to a new study that supports the bone health benefits of the vitamin.


Not so long ago, most people believed that vitamin D and calcium were the only nutrients needed for healthy bones. This wasn’t their fault, of course, as it was simply what they were being told by their doctors and what they saw in the mass media. Today, however, there is increasing interest in the use of vitamin K to help maintain or improve bone health. Nevertheless, this new focus on vitamin K still overlooks the crucial scientific fact that the framework of the bone on which calcium and other minerals are deposited is made of a protein – collagen.

In the absence of healthy collagen, bone cannot form or function properly.

Healthy bone formation depends not only on sufficient amounts of calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K, but more importantly on a proper supply of vitamin C, the amino acids lysine and proline, and other collagen-supporting micronutrients. Since the human body cannot produce vitamin C or lysine internally, deficiencies of these critical nutrients are very likely. The body’s supplies can also be further depleted by the stress associated with a bone fracture.

To read about a study conducted by scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute which examined the effect of collagen-building micronutrients on fracture healing time, read this article on our website.

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