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Global AIDS Epidemic Could Be Facing A Resurgence


Twenty-six years since they last met in Amsterdam, participants at the 2018 International AIDS Conference were back in the city for what was being billed as the world’s biggest gathering of experts on the disease. However, there is growing concern that the AIDS epidemic could be facing a resurgence.  


It is no surprise at all that the AIDS epidemic still exists. The main treatment used against the condition – antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) – is not a cure for it. Instead, ARVs are toxic and have serious side effects, including damage to the immune system. Given their dangers, these drugs are clearly not the answer to controlling AIDS and maintaining the health of HIV patients. Instead, with HIV infection and AIDS known to be linked to nutritional deficiencies, the answer obviously lies elsewhere.

In 2008, in a community health program organized and conducted in South Africa by the South African National Civic Organization (SANCO), it was proven that micronutrients can reverse the symptoms of AIDS. Using nutritional supplements provided free of charge by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, the program demonstrated that there is a solid scientific rationale for the use of vitamins and other micronutrients in supporting immune function. At that time, this program was the largest of its type that had been carried out since the beginning of the AIDS epidemic.

Five years later, in 2013, a clinical trial carried out in Botswana definitively confirmed that long-term supplementation with multivitamins and selenium for HIV-infected patients reduces the risk of immune decline and illness. Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the world’s most widely circulated medical journal, it was particularly notable that the patients taking part in this study had not previously received ARV drug therapies. Crucially, therefore, the publication of this study proved that Dr. Rath and our Foundation had been right all along when we said that HIV and AIDS can be controlled naturally.

With even Dr. Luc Montagnier, recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of HIV, having similarly now spoken out in favor of nutrition and micronutrients in the fight against HIV/AIDS, we are clearly witnessing the beginning of the end of the Pharma Cartel’s multibillion dollar business with AIDS.

To learn more about the use of natural approaches to eradicate AIDS, read this article on our website.

Read article in the Daily Telegraph (UK)
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