A new study suggests that vitamin D may promote greater insulin sensitivity, thus lowering glucose levels and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Rath’s scientific research and numerous independent clinical studies have clearly documented the important roles of vitamin C, vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, and chromium in helping to prevent diabetes and normalize blood sugar levels. In one particularly striking example, a study published as long ago as 1937 showed that diabetic patients taking 300-500 mg of vitamin C a day could significantly improve their glucose balance. The researchers found that blood sugar levels could be lowered by an average of 30 percent, daily insulin requirements by 27 percent, and that sugar excretion in the urine could be almost eliminated.
You can learn more about natural approaches to controlling diabetes in chapter 7 of Dr. Rath’s lifesaving book, ‘Why Animals Don`t Get Heart Attacks…But People Do!’. Through carefully following the Cellular Medicine recommendations contained in this book, not only is it possible to successfully prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, existing diabetic conditions and their complications can also be controlled.
To learn more about the natural treatment of type 2 diabetes, including how vitamin C and glucose compete with each other to enter cells, read this article on our website.
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February 1, 2019Vitamin D Could Lower Risk Of Developing Diabetes
A new study suggests that vitamin D may promote greater insulin sensitivity, thus lowering glucose levels and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Dr. Rath’s scientific research and numerous independent clinical studies have clearly documented the important roles of vitamin C, vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, and chromium in helping to prevent diabetes and normalize blood sugar levels. In one particularly striking example, a study published as long ago as 1937 showed that diabetic patients taking 300-500 mg of vitamin C a day could significantly improve their glucose balance. The researchers found that blood sugar levels could be lowered by an average of 30 percent, daily insulin requirements by 27 percent, and that sugar excretion in the urine could be almost eliminated.
You can learn more about natural approaches to controlling diabetes in chapter 7 of Dr. Rath’s lifesaving book, ‘Why Animals Don`t Get Heart Attacks…But People Do!’. Through carefully following the Cellular Medicine recommendations contained in this book, not only is it possible to successfully prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes, existing diabetic conditions and their complications can also be controlled.
To learn more about the natural treatment of type 2 diabetes, including how vitamin C and glucose compete with each other to enter cells, read this article on our website.
Read article at medicalxpress.comDr. Rath Health Foundation
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