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New Study Confirms Antioxidants Improve Damaging Effects Of Heart Failure


A new study has shown that antioxidants show promise in improving some of the damaging effects of heart failure.


Conventional drug treatments for heart failure have numerous side effects. Treatment with diuretics to remove excess fluid is particularly dangerous as it significantly lowers levels of vitamin C and other essential nutrients in the blood. Similarly, cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are well known to damage the kidneys and liver. Fortunately, however, scientific research and clinical studies have clearly documented the benefits of specific micronutrients in improving the pumping function of the heart.

In addition to optimum amounts of vitamin C, the use of nutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin B1 and other B vitamins, coenzyme Q10, carnitine and taurine can safely prevent and correct heart failure by optimizing levels of cellular energy in the heart muscle cells. As documented in chapter 5 of Dr. Rath’s lifesaving book, ‘Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks…But People Do!’, use of these micronutrients in the correct dosages can essentially render heart transplants redundant.

The fundamental message is therefore very clear: optimizing your micronutrient intake optimizes the functioning of your heart and prevents heart failure.

To learn more about scientific research confirming that micronutrients prevent heart failure, read this article on our website.

To read how a pilot clinical trial conducted by researchers at the Dr. Rath Research Institute has demonstrated the benefits of micronutrients in heart failure, see this article on our website.

Read article at medicalxpress.com
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