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Putin Says Russia Will Combat The Rewriting Of WWII History With New Free-To-All Archive Center


Moscow is to create the most extensive collection of WWII documents, open to all persons anywhere, the Russian president has said.


Up until July 2007, the true facts about WWII had been largely hidden from the people of the world for over six decades. This changed when our Foundation obtained copies of tens of thousands of original historic documents from the post-war Nuremberg trial against the IG Farben Cartel and published them online.

The documents we published in our online archive unequivocally show that WWII was planned and financed by IG Farben, the world’s largest chemical and pharmaceutical cartel at that time. The documents make clear that the real driving force behind WWII was IG Farben’s ambition to achieve control of the global oil and drug markets and eliminate, by force, any competition.

Today, with Putin’s announcement of the plans for the new Russian WWII document archive, the global education process that our Foundation set in motion in July 2007 is set to continue.

To read the historic Open Letter announcing our Foundation’s publication of the Nuremberg trial documents, which was published in the New York Times on 20th July, 2007, see this page on our website.

To read the Nuremberg trial documents for yourself, and download them in PDF format, visit our Profit Over Life website.

Read article at (Russia)
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