Research shows that vitamin C plays a particularly important role in the prevention and control of diabetes. A study published in 2019 found that diabetic patients given supplemental vitamin C achieved significant reductions in both blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
In chapter 7 of his book ‘Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks…But People Do!’, Dr. Rath summarizes a fascinating clinical case study illustrating how diabetic patients can lower their daily insulin requirements by increasing their intake of vitamin C. Conducted at Stanford University in California, the lead author of this clinical case study, Dr. J.F. Dice, was also the diabetic patient who was followed in it.
At the beginning of the study, Dr. Dice was injecting himself with 32 units of insulin daily. During the following three weeks, he gradually increased his intake of vitamin C until, by day 23, he had reached a total of 11 grams per day. By this point, Dr. Dice’s daily requirement for insulin had reduced from 32 units to 5 units. As such, for every additional gram of vitamin C he supplemented with, he found he could spare around 2.5 units of insulin.
For optimum prevention and control of blood sugar, however, the use of a carefully chosen synergistic combination of micronutrients is necessary. To learn how Dr. Rath’s groundbreaking Cellular Medicine approach provides a profound insight into the causes, prevention and adjunct treatment of type 2 diabetes, read this article on our website.
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July 17, 2020Higher Intake Of Vitamin C & Carotenoids May Lower Risk For Type 2 Diabetes
“Higher intakes of vitamin C and carotenoids, as well as total whole grains, are associated with a lower risk for type 2 diabetes, according to two new studies.” [Source:]
Research shows that vitamin C plays a particularly important role in the prevention and control of diabetes. A study published in 2019 found that diabetic patients given supplemental vitamin C achieved significant reductions in both blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
In chapter 7 of his book ‘Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks…But People Do!’, Dr. Rath summarizes a fascinating clinical case study illustrating how diabetic patients can lower their daily insulin requirements by increasing their intake of vitamin C. Conducted at Stanford University in California, the lead author of this clinical case study, Dr. J.F. Dice, was also the diabetic patient who was followed in it.
At the beginning of the study, Dr. Dice was injecting himself with 32 units of insulin daily. During the following three weeks, he gradually increased his intake of vitamin C until, by day 23, he had reached a total of 11 grams per day. By this point, Dr. Dice’s daily requirement for insulin had reduced from 32 units to 5 units. As such, for every additional gram of vitamin C he supplemented with, he found he could spare around 2.5 units of insulin.
For optimum prevention and control of blood sugar, however, the use of a carefully chosen synergistic combination of micronutrients is necessary. To learn how Dr. Rath’s groundbreaking Cellular Medicine approach provides a profound insight into the causes, prevention and adjunct treatment of type 2 diabetes, read this article on our website.
Dr. Rath Health Foundation
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