Study Finds 60 Percent Higher Rates Of Coronavirus Among People With Low Levels Of Vitamin D
September 11, 2020
Το Ψήφισμα με το οποίο ζητούμε να γίνει η Φυσική Υγεία Ανθρώπινο Δικαίωμα, το έχουν ήδη υπογράψει πολίτες από 18 χώρες: Ενωθείτε μαζί τους!
September 16, 2020

Vitamin D Levels Predict Future Health Problems And Risk Of Death

In a paper presented at the 22nd European Congress of Endocrinology, a recent online event, a team of scientists led by Dr. Leen Antonio from University Hospitals Leuven in Belgium examined whether levels of vitamin D can predict future health problems. After studying the health records of 1,970 men aged between 40 and 79 years old, the scientists found that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a negative impact on general health and that it is predictive of a higher risk of death. These findings are consistent with Dr. Rath’s Cellular Medicine concept, which over the past two decades has firmly established that deficiencies of vitamins and other essential micronutrients are the primary cause of today’s most common chronic diseases.

Vitamin D occurs in several forms, or metabolites, in the body. When assessing patients’ vitamin D status, laboratories generally measure the total amount of these metabolites. Because the vast majority of vitamin D metabolites in blood are bound to proteins, however, the scientists wanted to examine whether free forms of the vitamin that are not bound to proteins may be a better predictor of clinical outcomes. Their paper cites the so-called ‘free hormone hypothesis’, which suggests that only free forms of vitamin D can enter cells and exert their biological function.

The scientists’ analysis was based on the health records of men who participated in the ‘European Male Ageing Study’, which was carried out between 2003 and 2005. Analyzing these records, the paper looks at levels of two specific forms of vitamin D: 25 hydroxyvitamin D, a pre-hormone form of the vitamin, and 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D, a hormone which is considered the active form of vitamin D in the body.

A total of 524 men died during the follow-up period of the study. After adjusting for factors such as age, body mass index, physical activity levels and smoking status, the scientists found that men with the lowest levels of total 25 hydroxyvitamin D and total 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D had an increased risk of death. They also found that levels of free 25 hydroxyvitamin D, but not free 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D, were predictive of future health problems. Discussing the results, Dr. Antonio said they “confirm that vitamin D deficiency is associated with a negative impact on general health and can be predictive of a higher risk of death.”

Preventing vitamin D deficiency alone is not enough

Micronutrients work together in teams in the body. Rather like a sports team, all members of a micronutrient team have to be present in order for it to function properly.

As interesting as this new paper is, its findings should not be taken as a reason to either supplement solely with vitamin D or use megadoses of it. Towards the goal of promoting optimum human health and longevity, preventing vitamin D deficiency alone is not enough. To ensure proper functioning of the body a wide variety of different vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other micronutrients are needed. Deficiencies of any of these substances increase the risk of developing chronic diseases and other health problems.

For more than two decades now, research conducted at the Dr. Rath Research Institute has proven that the most effective results from supplementation are achieved through the use of carefully selected combinations of micronutrients in scientifically balanced amounts. Supplementing with imbalanced doses of micronutrients can cause a metabolic imbalance.

Micronutrients work together in teams in the body. Rather like a sports team, all members of a micronutrient team have to be present in order for it to function properly. If some members are missing, the team’s performance will be negatively affected.

For optimum results when supplementing with vitamin D, opt for a cutting-edge product containing it in its highly bioavailable cholecalciferol (D3) form. For people who don’t like taking pills, research shows that oral sprays are just as effective in raising levels of vitamin D. If taken alongside a formula based on Dr. Rath’s Cellular Health Recommendations, you will be following a truly science-based approach to reducing your risk of chronic diseases and optimizing your health.

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Paul Anthony Taylor
Paul Anthony Taylor
Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and one of the coauthors of our explosive book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU'”, Paul is also our expert on the Codex Alimentarius Commission and has had eye-witness experience, as an official observer delegate, at its meetings.

Prior to joining the Foundation, Paul's background was in the music industry, where he worked as a keyboard player and programmer with artists including Paul McCartney, Bryan Ferry, Bill Withers, the Verve, Texas, and Primal Scream.

He first became interested in natural health after falling ill with a chronic fatigue syndrome-related disorder in 1991 and subsequently making a full recovery through the use of natural health therapies. After meeting Dr. Rath and Dr. Niedzwiecki at an anti-Codex rally in Berlin in 2002, Paul was inspired to make a life-changing decision to leave the music industry to work for the Foundation and help defend the right of patients worldwide to have free access to natural health approaches.

You can find Paul on Twitter at @paulanthtaylor
Der Executive Director der Dr. Rath Health Foundation ist einer der Koautoren des explosiven Buchs „Die Nazi-Wurzeln der Brüsseler EU“. Paul ist auch unser Experte zum Thema „Codex Alimentarius-Kommission“ und hat Augenzeugenerfahrung als offizieller beobachtender Teilnehmer bei diesen Treffen.

Bevor er seine Arbeit bei der Stiftung antrat war Paul in der Musikindustrie aktiv. Er arbeitete als Keyboard-Spieler und Programmierer mit Künstlern wie Paul McCartney, Bryan Ferry, Bill Withers, the Verve, Texas und Primal Scream.

Sein Interesse an natürlicher Gesundheit wuchs, als er 1991 an Störungen erkrankte, die aus einem chronischen Erschöpfungssyndrom resultierten. Durch natürliche Gesundheitstherapien wurde er schließlich vollständig geheilt. Ein Treffen 2002 mit Dr. Rath und Dr. Niedzwiecki bei einer Anti-Codex-Demonstration in Berlin inspirierte ihn zu einer lebensverändernden Entscheidung und er verließ die Musikindustrie um für die Stiftung zu arbeiten und das Recht der Patienten zu verteidigen, weltweit freien Zugang zu natürlichen Gesundheitsverfahren zu haben.

Auf Twitter ist Paul unter @paulanthtaylor zu finden.