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Vitamin D Supplementation: Possible Gain In Life Years Combined With Healthcare Cost Savings


“In a recent paper published in the Molecular Oncology journal, scientists at the German Cancer Research Center calculated that if all Germans over the age of 50 were to take vitamin D supplements, up to 30,000 cancer deaths per year could possibly be avoided and more than 300,000 years of life could be gained. In addition, healthcare costs could be saved.” [Source:]


Based on the scientific discoveries of Dr. Rath and studies conducted under the direction of Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki at the Dr. Rath Research Institute, it is becoming increasingly clear that mankind is on the way to the natural control of cancer. As Dr. Rath and Dr. Niedzwiecki describe in their groundbreaking book, ‘Victory Over Cancer’, natural health approaches now exist that have been shown to block all key mechanisms that make cancer a deadly disease. Through the widespread use of specific combinations of micronutrients, these approaches have the potential to save millions of lives worldwide every year.

There is also growing evidence that daily use of micronutrient supplements can reduce national healthcare costs. A US study published in February 2013 found that supplement use can cut the length of hospital stays, decrease costs, and reduce the chance of readmissions. Particularly impressively, the researchers found that supplement use reduced the average length of hospital stays by over 2 days and the average cost by more than $4,700. Other researchers have made similar findings and shown that use of supplements can reduce the risk of people experiencing costly medical events, thus saving billions of dollars in healthcare costs.

To read more about the evidence showing that daily use of supplements can reduce national healthcare costs, see this article on our website.

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