With its entire eligible population claimed to have already been vaccinated against the coronavirus, and masks still required in stores and on public transport, the recent exponential increase in COVID-19 cases in Gibraltar demonstrates yet again that conventional health approaches cannot provide the solution to ending the pandemic. Unfortunately, however, Gibraltar’s government has thus far failed to recognize this and is instead putting its faith in so-called ‘booster’ vaccinations, in the desperate hope that these will somehow stem the growing tide of infections.
What Gibraltar should instead do – and, indeed, what we would strongly encourage all governments to do – is to take advantage of recent cutting-edge research showing that combining vitamin C with other natural compounds impedes key mechanisms of coronavirus infection and is effective against all mutations of the virus. Carried out by scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute in California, this groundbreaking research proves that science-based micronutrient approaches present an effective, safe, and viable means for controlling the pandemic.
To learn more about the use of vitamin C and other natural compounds against COVID-19, see this article on our website.
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December 2, 2021In Gibraltar, 100% Of Adults Are Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19 And Yet New Cases Are Exploding
“Amid a spike in positive COVID-19 cases, Gibraltar has canceled official Christmas events and “strongly” discouraged people from hosting private gatherings for four weeks.” [Source: riottimesonline.com]
With its entire eligible population claimed to have already been vaccinated against the coronavirus, and masks still required in stores and on public transport, the recent exponential increase in COVID-19 cases in Gibraltar demonstrates yet again that conventional health approaches cannot provide the solution to ending the pandemic. Unfortunately, however, Gibraltar’s government has thus far failed to recognize this and is instead putting its faith in so-called ‘booster’ vaccinations, in the desperate hope that these will somehow stem the growing tide of infections.
What Gibraltar should instead do – and, indeed, what we would strongly encourage all governments to do – is to take advantage of recent cutting-edge research showing that combining vitamin C with other natural compounds impedes key mechanisms of coronavirus infection and is effective against all mutations of the virus. Carried out by scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute in California, this groundbreaking research proves that science-based micronutrient approaches present an effective, safe, and viable means for controlling the pandemic.
To learn more about the use of vitamin C and other natural compounds against COVID-19, see this article on our website.
Dr. Rath Health Foundation
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