Austrians Being Stopped Randomly By Authorities And Forced To Prove They Are Vaccinated
February 23, 2022
IG Farben Dominação alemã über alles
March 2, 2022

Australia Changes Definition Of ‘Fully Vaccinated’


“Australian health officials have updated guidance to declare that for a person to be considered “fully vaccinated” against Covid-19, they must have received a booster shot.” [Source:]


It is no secret that the pharma cartel and its stakeholders are pushing for COVID-19 vaccinations to be administered annually. Some countries, such as Israel, have already been pressing ahead with giving fourth doses of the vaccines. Others, such as the UK, have announced plans to do so. The United States is also said to be considering it.

The fact is however, as even the World Health Organization now recognizes, a vaccine-only strategy against COVID-19 won’t work. Emerging evidence of this can be found in Israel, where doctors are finding that 80 percent of their most serious cases of coronavirus infection are already fully vaccinated. Tellingly, the number of serious COVID-19 cases in Israel recently reached a new record.

To read how a U.S. government-funded study has concluded that the risks of COVID-19 vaccines are not being adequately disclosed, see this article on our website.

To learn how a study conducted by scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute has demonstrated the efficacy of a specific combination of micronutrients and plant extracts against not just the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, but also its Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Kappa, and Mu variants, see this article on our website.

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