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Green Tea And Resveratrol Reduce Alzheimer’s Plaques In Lab Tests


“Researchers have found that two common compounds – green tea catechins and resveratrol – reduce the formation of Alz­heimer’s plaques in neural cells.” [Source:]


The green tea extract epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and resveratrol are members of the phytonutrient category. Also known as phyto­bio­logi­cals, these types of substances are found exclusively in plants. When supplemented or consumed in food they provide numerous health benefits.

EGCG has multifaceted actions in the control and prevention of cancer. It works in synergy with other micro­nutrients such as vitamin C, lysine, and proline in simultaneously controlling multiple mecha­nisms in the growth and spread (metastasis) of this disease. Studies conducted at the Dr. Rath Research Institute have proven that a spe­ci­fic micro­nutrient com­bi­nation containing EGCG is effective in pre­ven­ting the spread of cancer and the growth of new blood vessels to tumors (angiogenesis).

Resveratrol is perhaps best known for its anti-aging properties. Most of these can be attributed to its potent anti­oxidant and anti-inflam­ma­tory actions. Resveratrol is also proven to have anti-cancer, anti-dia­be­tic, and anti-hyper­tensive actions. One of the proposed mecha­nisms of action of resveratrol may be that it affects the energy pro­duc­tion pathways within the cells by preventing degradation of a specific molecule known as Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP).

To learn more about the health benefits of phytonutrients/​phyto­bio­logi­cals, see our articles on curcumin, quercetin, and cruciferous vegetable extracts.

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