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December 22, 2022

U.S. Patent Office Awards Dr. Rath Research Institute With World’s First Patents For Natural Health Technologies To Fight Widespread Human Diseases

In a major development, following a rigorous review process, the United States Patent Office has awarded the Dr. Rath Research Institute with the world’s first patents for natural health technologies to fight widespread human diseases. Including patents for micronutrient combinations to fight high blood pressure, diabetes, viral infections, and cancer, as well as for promoting eye health, the recognition of these cutting-edge technologies constitutes an important step towards the establishing of natural approaches as the new focus for modern healthcare.

The fact that combinations of micronutrients have been acknowledged by the world’s most influential patent office for the health benefits they confer on cellular metabolism has significant benefits for global health. For the first time, a scientifically recognized natural approach for the prevention of major human diseases has become available.

The awarding of these historic patents contrasts sharply with those issued for synthetic drugs – substances that don’t exist in nature. Patents on drugs are sought by pharmaceutical companies in order to guarantee a ‘return on investment’ for their shareholders. However, vitamins and other micronutrients are naturally occurring substances and are therefore not patentable individually. As such, only specific combinations of micronutrients are patentable if they are able to demonstrate health benefits.

Obtaining a patent for a combination of micronutrients or other natural substances necessarily requires a rigorous process of scientific evaluation by a country’s patent office, an official government agency. The obtaining of such patents thus constitutes scientific and legal recognition for the value of the natural health approaches they relate to.

A patented natural approach to high blood pressure

The World Health Organization estimates that while around 1.28 billion adults worldwide have high blood pressure, only 21 percent of them actually have it under control. Despite the global nature of this serious health problem, conventional medicine contends that, in most cases, its causes are essentially unknown. As a result, the pharmaceutical drugs commonly prescribed by doctors to control blood pressure only treat a patient’s symptoms. Not only do these medications also cause side effects, however, they actually fail to treat the root cause of the problem.

In contrast, the Cellular Medicine approach to high blood pressure provides a breakthrough in our understanding of the causes, prevention, and adjunct treatment of the condition. In reality, its primary cause is a chronic deficiency of vitamins and other bioenergy molecules in the cells of blood vessel walls. Based on a combination of vitamins, magnesium, calcium, arginine, and specific plant extracts, the awarding of a patent for a natural approach to reduce high blood pressure has the potential to save millions of lives.

A patented natural approach to diabetes

Around 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, with the number of patients affected by it increasing steadily over the past few decades. The majority of diabetic patients develop the disease later in life. While adult forms of diabetes have a genetic background, the decisive cause that triggers them during adulthood is still not completely understood.

Conventional medicine is confined to treating the symptoms of adult diabetes by focusing on lowering the elevated blood sugar (glucose) levels that occur. However, cardiovascular disease and other diabetic complications can still strike even in patients whose blood sugar levels are successfully controlled. Thus, while clearly necessary, it can be seen that lowering blood sugar levels alone is an incomplete approach to addressing diabetic disorders.

Cellular Medicine provides a scientific breakthrough in our understanding of the causes, prevention, and adjunct treatment of adult diabetes. As Dr. Rath’s research has shown, the primary cause of adult-onset diabetes is a long-term deficiency of certain vitamins and other essential micronutrients in the cells of the pancreas, the vascular walls, and other organs. This means that an optimum intake of the correct micronutrients can help prevent the onset of adult diabetes and its complications.

Scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute have developed a combination of micronutrients including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and plant extracts that has been proven to affect decisive cellular mechanisms involved in diabetes. The awarding of a patent for the ability of this combination of micronutrients to treat health conditions associated with elevated glucose levels has the potential to improve and save millions of lives.

A patented natural approach to viral infections

From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute chose not to focus on developing vaccines against the original coronavirus or one of its mutations. Instead, they took a fundamentally different approach based on reducing the number of specific molecular ‘doorway’ molecules (ACE2 receptors) in the human body using specific combinations of micronutrients. All coronaviruses use ACE2 receptors in order to enter the cells of the lungs and other organs.

The approach taken by the institute’s scientists has the advantage of being a major step towards effectively preventing all future mutations of the coronavirus. Achieving this goal is a precondition for preventing viral infections and ending the current pandemic. Based on the use of vitamin C and a combination of plant extracts, the U.S. Patent Office awarded the institute’s scientists with a patent recognizing the simultaneous inhibition of multiple cellular mechanisms of infectivity caused by coronavirus, its variants, and mutants.

A patented natural approach to cancer

Cancer remains a leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for almost 10 million deaths globally in 2020. Conventional medicine is largely confined to treating the symptoms and complications of this disease. The main approaches used include the surgical removal of tumors, followed by radiation and chemotherapy.

As both radiation and chemotherapy indiscriminately kill healthy and cancer cells alike, particularly the rapidly dividing immune cells, it is no surprise that the cancer pandemic continues. As long as medical science is unable to fully elucidate the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms of this disease and identify effective and safe ways towards its control, it will remain one of the world’s leading causes of death.

The Dr. Rath Research Institute’s modern understanding of the cellular basis of cancer involves natural compounds that can correct and regulate the genetic and metabolic processes that take place inside cancer cells, while at the same time leaving healthy cells unharmed.

One key target is the natural blocking of metastasis, the common end phase of all cancers. This requires neutralization of the enzymes (plasmin and collagenases, etc.) that are activated by cancer cells during invasion and metastasis in order to digest the connective tissue that surrounds them. The more of these enzymes a cancer cell produces, the more aggressive and malignant it is. Thus, the decreased production and neutralization of these enzymes are primary targets for an effective anticancer strategy.

Scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute have tested a multitude of micronutrients in various combinations for their efficacy in helping to block various aspects of cancer cell growth and spread. This comprehensive research has resulted in the first patented ‘method for treatment of neoplastic diseases’, i.e., cancer, based entirely on natural compounds. The efficacy of this natural health technology has now been confirmed on more than 55 different types of cancer cells, thus providing a truly scientific basis for the prevention of cancer.

A patented natural approach to eye health

More than two billion people worldwide have vision problems, with over half of them being preventable. Eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, and others are associated with the ultimate risk of blindness. Conventional medicine is confined to treating the symptoms of eye diseases with a variety of pharmaceutical drugs, many of which are known to cause side effects.

The Dr. Rath Research Institute’s modern understanding of the cellular root of eye diseases recognizes that chronic deficiencies of vitamins and other micronutrients are a primary cause of vision problems. Compared with most other organs, the eye is particularly susceptible to oxidative damage, owing to its exposure to light and its high metabolism. However, antioxidants can help to prevent oxidative damage and the associated inflammation of the eye. Certain micronutrients such as vitamins C, A, and E, carotenoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta carotene are particularly important in the prevention of eye diseases, as also are zinc, and polyphenols.

The patent awarded by the U.S. Patent Office recognizes that a specific combination of vitamins, carotenoids, and other micronutrients ‘pretreats a retinal pigment epithelium and corneal cell of mammals [including humans] before an oxidation damage occurs.’

The results of a quarter century of natural health research

The natural health technologies recognized by the U.S. Patent Office are the result of a quarter century of research by our scientists into micronutrient deficiency as a primary cause of cellular malfunction and human diseases, and, as a consequence, the interplay of vitamins and other micronutrients in the prevention and correction of such cellular malfunctioning.

We would be delighted to offer these revolutionary health technologies – free of charge – to any government or public institution, to be used for the benefit of potentially millions of people. Towards this goal, we invite interested parties to contact us for further details.

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Paul Anthony Taylor
Paul Anthony Taylor
Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and one of the coauthors of our explosive book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU'”, Paul is also our expert on the Codex Alimentarius Commission and has had eye-witness experience, as an official observer delegate, at its meetings.

Prior to joining the Foundation, Paul's background was in the music industry, where he worked as a keyboard player and programmer with artists including Paul McCartney, Bryan Ferry, Bill Withers, the Verve, Texas, and Primal Scream.

He first became interested in natural health after falling ill with a chronic fatigue syndrome-related disorder in 1991 and subsequently making a full recovery through the use of natural health therapies. After meeting Dr. Rath and Dr. Niedzwiecki at an anti-Codex rally in Berlin in 2002, Paul was inspired to make a life-changing decision to leave the music industry to work for the Foundation and help defend the right of patients worldwide to have free access to natural health approaches.

You can find Paul on Twitter at @paulanthtaylor
Der Executive Director der Dr. Rath Health Foundation ist einer der Koautoren des explosiven Buchs „Die Nazi-Wurzeln der Brüsseler EU“. Paul ist auch unser Experte zum Thema „Codex Alimentarius-Kommission“ und hat Augenzeugenerfahrung als offizieller beobachtender Teilnehmer bei diesen Treffen.

Bevor er seine Arbeit bei der Stiftung antrat war Paul in der Musikindustrie aktiv. Er arbeitete als Keyboard-Spieler und Programmierer mit Künstlern wie Paul McCartney, Bryan Ferry, Bill Withers, the Verve, Texas und Primal Scream.

Sein Interesse an natürlicher Gesundheit wuchs, als er 1991 an Störungen erkrankte, die aus einem chronischen Erschöpfungssyndrom resultierten. Durch natürliche Gesundheitstherapien wurde er schließlich vollständig geheilt. Ein Treffen 2002 mit Dr. Rath und Dr. Niedzwiecki bei einer Anti-Codex-Demonstration in Berlin inspirierte ihn zu einer lebensverändernden Entscheidung und er verließ die Musikindustrie um für die Stiftung zu arbeiten und das Recht der Patienten zu verteidigen, weltweit freien Zugang zu natürlichen Gesundheitsverfahren zu haben.

Auf Twitter ist Paul unter @paulanthtaylor zu finden.