Over the past couple of years Gates has persistently claimed that another global pandemic is inevitable and that not enough is being done to prepare for it. While he is now openly admitting that the next virus could be man-made, he seemingly still expects the world to believe that the current pandemic occurred naturally following a coronavirus that infects wild bats passing to humans via an (unknown) animal host. As he will no doubt be well aware, however, this ‘natural origin’ theory for the pandemic is subject to increasingly widespread skepticism.
As early as April 2020, the late Nobel prize-winning scientist Luc Montagnier became arguably the first prominent academic to state publicly that the virus causing COVID-19 was created in a laboratory. Saying that it contains genetic elements of HIV, he insisted its characteristics could not have arisen naturally.
Australian scientists have since confirmed the possibility that the coronavirus may have been the result of human intervention. Other investigators similarly now suggest the available evidence leans more strongly towards the possibility that the virus originated in a lab. Even the mainstream media seems to be taking this theory increasingly seriously.
Of course, Gates’ close relationship to the pharmaceutical industry and funding of the World Health Organization have long shown that he can’t be trusted. As he continues to spread fear over the next pandemic and promotes multibillion-dollar experimental vaccines as the only ‘solution’, we have to ask ourselves what else he might not want us to know about. The Dr. Rath Research Institute’s patent on a natural combination of micronutrients for preventing COVID-19 and other viral infections could well be high on that list.
Image: John Keatley / The Guardian / Eyevin
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February 3, 2023Bill Gates Warns Australia To Prepare For The Next Pandemic
“Tech billionaire Bill Gates has warned Australia to be ready for the next pandemic, which could be man-made and far more brutal.” [Source: dailymail.co.uk]
Over the past couple of years Gates has persistently claimed that another global pandemic is inevitable and that not enough is being done to prepare for it. While he is now openly admitting that the next virus could be man-made, he seemingly still expects the world to believe that the current pandemic occurred naturally following a coronavirus that infects wild bats passing to humans via an (unknown) animal host. As he will no doubt be well aware, however, this ‘natural origin’ theory for the pandemic is subject to increasingly widespread skepticism.
As early as April 2020, the late Nobel prize-winning scientist Luc Montagnier became arguably the first prominent academic to state publicly that the virus causing COVID-19 was created in a laboratory. Saying that it contains genetic elements of HIV, he insisted its characteristics could not have arisen naturally.
Australian scientists have since confirmed the possibility that the coronavirus may have been the result of human intervention. Other investigators similarly now suggest the available evidence leans more strongly towards the possibility that the virus originated in a lab. Even the mainstream media seems to be taking this theory increasingly seriously.
Of course, Gates’ close relationship to the pharmaceutical industry and funding of the World Health Organization have long shown that he can’t be trusted. As he continues to spread fear over the next pandemic and promotes multibillion-dollar experimental vaccines as the only ‘solution’, we have to ask ourselves what else he might not want us to know about. The Dr. Rath Research Institute’s patent on a natural combination of micronutrients for preventing COVID-19 and other viral infections could well be high on that list.
Image: John Keatley / The Guardian / Eyevin
Dr. Rath Health Foundation
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