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European Proposal For Reduced Vitamin B6 Limit Deemed “Slippery Slope For Free Choice And Self-Care”


“Natural health campaigners have critiqued “gross irregularities” in the scientific process used by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) to consider halving the safe maximum daily limit of vitamin B6 from supplements.”


Behind the scenes, pro-pharmaceutical and anti-vitamin freedom interests are laying plans towards their ultimate aim of removing all higher-dose, innovative and effective nutritional supplements from the global marketplace. With the passing of the ‘Food Supplements Directive’ in Europe in 2002, and the adoption by the Codex Alimentarius Commission of its global ‘Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements’ in 2005, the stage became potentially set for stringent restrictions on the levels of nutrients contained in supplements to become enforceable on a global scale.

The pro-pharmaceutical and anti-vitamin freedom interests are trying to disguise this threat, however, by claiming that the upper safe levels for each nutrient will be calculated scientifically, via a process known as ‘scientific risk assessment’. In reality, however, most current methodologies for assessing the supposed ‘risk’ of consuming nutritional supplements are anything but scientific and are actually deeply flawed.

Unless these flaws are corrected, the eventual outcome, for many nutrients, could well be the global enforcement of maximum levels in supplements that are little different to the meagre government recommended daily allowances (RDAs). Should this happen, of course, the ultimate beneficiary would be the multinational pharmaceutical industry and its fraudulent ‘business with disease’.

To learn more about the so-called ‘risk assessment’ process that is being used to set maximum levels for nutrients in supplements, see this article on our website.

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