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Dr. Rath’s Cellular Health Recommendations for a Strong Immune System

Image: Adobe Stock / Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Dr. Rath’s Cellular Health recommendations for achieving a strong immune function are based on scientific studies proving that certain nutrients play crucial roles in ensuring optimum functioning of the immune system. When consumed regularly in the correct amounts, studies show that specific vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients can support the body in defending itself against harmful pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders.

The chart below shows the minimum amount of each nutrient to be consumed daily. Patients and people with special nutritional needs may require higher intakes. This program is designed to be followed alongside Dr. Rath’s Basic Cellular Health Recommendations.

Vitamin A (Beta Carotene)
750 mcg
Vitamin B6
8 mg
Vitamin B12
30 mcg
400 mcg
Vitamin C
500 mg
Vitamin E
165 mg
mg = milligrams, mcg = micrograms
Calcium 500 mg
Magnesium 250 mg
Iron 10 mg
mg = milligrams
Natural Carotenoids (Alpha Carotene, Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Cryptoxanthin) 100 mcg
mcg = micrograms

If you have any questions about the information on this page, feel free to contact us.

NOTE: The details contained on this page are presented for information purposes only and are not intended as medical advice.

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