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Gen X and Millennials at Greater Risk of 17 Types of Cancer Compared to Previous Generations

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A worrying new study by the American Cancer Society has revealed that generation X and millennials are at more risk of developing many types of cancer than their predecessors.
[Source: medicalxpress.com]

[Image source: Adobe Stock]


The publication of this study comes hot on the heels of doctors highlighting a mysterious worldwide rise in cancer cases among patients aged under 50. Widely covered in the mainstream media, the development follows the announcement by Britain’s Princess Catherine that she herself has been diagnosed with the disease. The cause of the global increase, which is said to have sparked alarm among scientists, is hotly debated. But while improved diagnostic methods, genetic predispositions, lifestyles, and as yet unknown environmental factors have all been proposed as possible reasons, the roles of some other possible influences are essentially not being discussed.

While diet is at least being proposed as a contributory cause to the rise in cancer cases, important scientific evidence that could help explain the phenomenon would appear to be being ignored. Of particular relevance are studies conducted in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Finland, and other countries, which show that the nutrient content of the global food supply has fallen significantly over the past 70 to 80 years. This finding is consistent with Dr. Matthias Rath’s Cellular Medicine discovery that long-term deficiencies of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients are the primary cause of chronic diseases such as cancer.

To learn more about the global increase in cases of cancer among younger people, see this article on our website.

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