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Covid Jab Offers Barely Any Protection From Infection After Six Months, Latest Data Shows


Covid vaccines prevent less than one in 10 infections six months after they are administered, a study has found.

[Image source: Adobe Stock]


Carried out by researchers from New Zealand, this study analyzed data on over 5 million people between December 2020 and February 2022, including about 4 million vaccinated individuals and 1 million unvaccinated. The study matched participants by age and sex and evaluated the vaccine’s performance against different COVID-19 outcomes, including infection, hospitalization, and death. The findings were published in the New Zealand Medical Journal.

The researchers found that the vaccines’ effectiveness in preventing infection drops dramatically. Six months after they were administered, the shots prevented less than one in 10 COVID-19 infections. Other studies have similarly found that COVID-19 vaccine efficacy wanes over time. This is highly convenient for their manufacturers, of course, as it enables them to sell repeated so-called ‘booster’ shots.

To read how the Dr. Rath Research Institute has developed a revolutionary micronutrient combination that is effective against not only the original virus responsible for COVID-19 but also a number of its major variants, see this article on our website.

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