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Hundreds of Cancer-Causing Chemicals Found in Food Packaging


Researchers have identified nearly 200 chemicals used to make food packaging that could possibly increase the risk of breast cancer.

[Image source: Adobe Stock]


The chemicals identified include substances such as polystyrene and polyamide, which are commonly found in Styrofoam containers and plastic kitchen utensils. Published in the Frontiers in Toxicology journal, the study is part of ongoing research that has previously identified over 900 chemicals as potential mammary carcinogens.

The researchers point out that the chemicals concerned don’t just leach into food from packaging but also from processing equipment, kitchenware, and appliances like electric kettles. Heat, long storage times, and the types of foods being stored – particularly those with a higher fat content – can increase the risk of chemical migration.

Calling for stricter regulations on the chemicals used in food packaging, the researchers say they want modern testing methods, such as toxicology screenings, to be applied before these materials reach the market. Previous findings have linked certain chemicals like perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), used in Teflon cookware until 2013, to testicular cancer, underscoring the importance of updating safety regulations for food-related products.

To learn about Dr. Rath’s Cellular Health recommendations for the prevention and control of cancer, see this page on our website.

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