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Dr. Rath’s Cellular Health Recommendations for Reducing Elevated Levels of Cholesterol

Image: Adobe Stock / Dr. Rath Health Foundation

Dr. Rath’s Cellular Health recommendations for reducing elevated levels of cholesterol are based on his development of a carefully balanced selection of specific nutrients. When consumed regularly in the recommended amounts, studies show that these nutrients can lower levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoproteins, homocysteine, and other substances contributing to the risk of cardiovascular disease.

It should be noted however that cholesterol and other fat molecules are only secondary risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The primary cause of this disease is an insufficient supply of vitamin C, lysine, and other collagen-promoting nutrients.

The chart below shows the amount of each nutrient to be consumed daily for reducing levels of cholesterol and other cardiovascular disease risk factors. This program is designed to be followed alongside Dr. Rath’s Basic Cellular Health Recommendations.

Vitamin C 1,000 mg
Vitamin E 80 mg
Vitamin B1 10 mg
Vitamin B2 10 mg
Vitamin B3 350 mg
Vitamin B5 50 mg
Vitamin B6 10 mg
Vitamin B12 30 mcg
Folate 400 mcg
Biotin 100 mcg
mg = milligrams, mcg = micrograms
Carnitine 100 mg
Betaine 70 mg
mg = milligrams

If you have any questions about the information on this page, feel free to contact us.

NOTE: The details contained on this page are presented for information purposes only and are not intended as medical advice.

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