183 results found for: Inflammation

COVID Shots 200 Times More Likely Than All Other Vaccines to Cause Blood Clots in Brain

COVID-19 vaccines had an over 1,000-fold increased risk of blood clots in the brain compared to the flu vaccine and more than a 200-fold increased risk compared to all other vaccines, according to a study by Dr. Peter McCullough and colleagues.

COVID-19 Vaccination May Increase Risk For Urinary Tract Symptoms

COVID-19 vaccination seems to have some side effects on the lower urinary tract and overactive bladder in younger adults, according to a study published online in the Frontiers in Medicine journal.

Low Levels of Manganese Can Aggravate Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Researchers at the University of Michigan have delved deeper into the relationship between manganese deficiency and inflammatory bowel disease and found that low levels of this micronutrient can exacerbate intestinal injury and inflammation.

Magnesium Associated with Lower Risk of All-Cause Mortality Among Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Rheumatoid arthritis patients with higher magnesium intakes have a lower risk of all-cause mortality, say researchers.

Study Finds Common Breast Cancer Treatments May Speed Aging Process

A new study has revealed that common breast cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, may accelerate the biological aging process in breast cancer survivors.

Vitamin B12 Identified as Potential Therapeutic Agent in Prevention and Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis

Chinese researchers have combined human genetic epidemiology and animal models to discover and confirm the role of vitamin B12 in the prevention and mitigation of acute pancreatitis.

Omega-3s May Delay Aging by ‘Reprogramming Energy Metabolism’

Supplementation with omega-3s may help maintain energy metabolism to preserve the function of key organs and inhibit pathological age-related changes, all of which may help delay the aging process, according to a new study from China.

Study Reveals Lasting Effects of Common Herbicide on Brain Health

New research shows even brief contact with glyphosate, a common herbicide, can cause lasting damage to the brain, and that this may persist long after direct exposure ends.