With around one in eight children in high-income countries now experiencing a mental health disorder, much remains unknown regarding the potential causes. While investigations are ongoing, […]
Concern over an apparent link between artificial food colorings and childhood behavioral disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been growing for more than […]
A new study has found that supplementation with vitamin D3 improves blood pressure and insulin sensitivity in children. The type of vitamin D the human body […]
Members of the Dr. Rath Health Association in Poland recently founded an education club for young children. Named ‘Witaminka’, which means ‘The Little Vitamin Club’, the […]
Although a balanced diet is one of the best ways for everyone to obtain nourishment, the majority of children do not get enough micronutrients from the […]
Sarcomas are cancers of connective tissue such as hard tissue (bones), soft tissue (muscles) and tendons. Although sarcomas are uncommon at any age, they are relatively […]
Malnourishment is not hunger! Although global hunger is an ongoing struggle for more than one billion people, severe acute malnutrition is a more serious condition causing […]