Dr. Matthias Rath – Biography
April 5, 2017
Movement of Life
April 5, 2017

Dr. Niedzwiecki – Biography


Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, a member of the board of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, also serves as CEO and Director of Research at the Dr. Rath Research Institute located in San Jose, California. She received her Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Warsaw, Poland.

Her research interests and expertise cover several areas including various aspects of cell metabolism, genetics, cancer, and the molecular mechanisms of aging, among others. Dr. Niedzwiecki conducted her studies at various academic institutions in the United States and other countries and has held research and faculty positions at the Rockefeller University in New York, the University of Toronto (Canada), the University of Warsaw (Poland), and the Linus Pauling Institute in California.

During her scientific career Dr. Niedzwiecki, who worked directly with two Nobel Laureates (Gerald Edelman and Linus Pauling), has been inspired by Dr. Rath’s scientific ideas, which were instrumental in shifting her research focus to the field of micronutrients and cardiovascular disease. She started a research collaboration with Dr. Rath at the Linus Pauling Institute in California and followed him as the Head of Cardiovascular Research at that institution. She joined Dr. Rath’s Cellular Medicine research and development firm shortly after its establishment. Dr. Niedzwiecki has worked with Dr. Rath for over thirty years pursuing research on micronutrients in cardiovascular disease, cancer, infectious diseases, and other aspects of human health. These research results lay the foundation for the development of natural health programs and innovative applications of micronutrients. In addition to research and development, she has been involved in various non-profit activities, including the Dr. Rath Health Foundation.

Throughout her career, Aleksandra has won awards and research grants for her research into the biochemical link between disease and micronutrients. Dr. Niedzwiecki has around 200 original research contributions published in prestigious professional journals, including the Journal of Biological Chemistry, Arteriosclerosis, and Molecular Cell Biology, as well as book chapters and other scientific publications. She has also given numerous professional presentations in the United States and at various international meetings. A significant part of her research involves public education in various aspects of health, including the development of materials and presentations for online and offline use. Dr. Niedzwiecki’s popular science articles have been published in many industry journals such as Whole Foods, Alive, and Healthy and Natural Journal.

She is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition, an associate editor of Cellular Health Communications, and has served as a member of the editorial board of the Healthy and Natural Journal and the International Journal of Cancer. In her professional carrier she considers the positive health experiences of people who practically apply Dr Rath’s discoveries and Cellular Medicine research findings to their lives as the best reward and her inspiration for future work.

Dr. Rath Research Institute, San Jose, California, USA

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