April 29, 2022

Regelmäßige Fitness-Übungen verbessern die Blutgefäßfunktion bei Menschen mit chronischer Nierenerkrankung

Structured aerobic exercise training over 12 weeks improves blood vessel function in people with stage 3 and 4 chronic kidney disease, according to a new study by physiologists at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta. Researchers also found that exercise reduced blood pressure reactivity in this population.
April 19, 2022

Omega-3-Fettsäuren bewahren Typ-2-Diabetiker vor Herzinsuffizienz-bedingter Hospitalisierung

Researchers mining data from a previous study have found that omega-3 supplementation cut the rate of hospitalization for heart failure among patients diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. This effect was heightened for Black subjects, the authors said.
April 19, 2022

Vitamin-D-Ergänzung kann helfen, saisonale Grippe-Infektionen bei Kindern zu verhindern

Vitamin D supplementation may have a small, preventative effect against influenza infection in children, according to a trial conducted by a team of Taiwanese researchers.
April 19, 2022

Studie zeigt, dass Typ-2-Diabetes das Risiko für 57 andere Erkrankungen erhöht

People with type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of 57 other health conditions, including cancer, kidney disease and neurological illnesses, according to the most comprehensive study of its kind.
April 19, 2022

40-prozentige Zunahme von Geburtsfehlern, wenn Männer vor der Zeugung Diabetes-Medikamente verwenden

April 19, 2022

Fungizide, die zur Frischhaltung von Obst verwendet werden, können zu resistenten Stämmen eines tödlichen Erregers führen

Apples may be fueling the superbug crisis by harboring drug-resistant strains of a deadly fungus, a study suggests. Indian and Canadian academics believe fungicides used to keep the fruit fresh are to blame.
Februar 14, 2022

La lucha contra la pandemia del COVID-19 eliminando el IVA en las frutas y hortalizas: El gobierno holandés lanza un programa nacional para estimular el consumo de vitamina C

La campaña lanzada a finales de 2021 por el gobierno holandés „un estímulo fiscal para la vitamina C“ es una decisión política importante y un primer […]
Mai 31, 2021

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