May 22, 2020

Urgent Trials Underway In France, Spain And United States To Test Vitamin D Against Coronavirus

As evidence builds that coronavirus patients with vitamin D deficiency are much more likely to experience severe clinical outcomes, urgent trials in Europe and North America are underway to evaluate whether vitamin D could be used to treat or prevent the disease.
May 22, 2020

A Quarter Of Coronavirus Patients Who Died In England Had Diabetes

A quarter of people who died with coronavirus in hospitals in England had diabetes, officials say.
May 22, 2020

New Wearable Sensor Tracks Vitamin C Levels In Sweat

A team at the University of California San Diego has developed a wearable, non-invasive vitamin C sensor that could ultimately provide a new, highly personalized option for people to track their daily micronutrient intake.
May 22, 2020

Scientific Advisor To UK Government Says Fresh Air And Sunshine Can Curb Spread Of Coronavirus

Professor Alan Penn, a scientific advisor to the UK Government, says fresh air and sunshine can curb the spread of the coronavirus.
May 22, 2020

U.S. President Donald Trump Threatens To Permanently Stop Funding World Health Organization

U.S. President Donald Trump is threatening to permanently stop funding the World Health Organization (WHO) and ‘reconsider’ his country’s membership unless it commits to “major substantive improvements in the next 30 days.”
May 20, 2020

Effetti collaterali pericolosi: Intervista con il Dr Rath sul “farmaco coronavirus” Remdesivir

May 19, 2020

Efectos secundarios adversos: Entrevista con el Dr. Rath sobre el “fármaco coronavirus” Remdesivir

A finales de Abril, se presentó al mundo un medicamento farmacéutico, Remdesivir, presuntamente para ayudar a pacientes infectados durante la pandemia. ¿Trae este fármaco esperanza justificada, o es solo una exageración?
May 19, 2020

Effets secondaires dangereux : Entretien avec le Dr. Rath sur le “médicament contre le coronavirus” Remdesivir.

Fin avril, un médicament pharmaceutique, le Remdesivir, a été présenté au monde entier, prétendument pour aider les patients infectés pendant la pandémie. Ce médicament apporte-t-il un espoir justifié – ou s’agit-il simplement d’un battage médiatique ?