People with higher omega-3 levels are significantly less likely to suffer or die from heart failure, according to findings published in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings journal.
French regulators are proposing significant changes to permissible levels for vitamins and minerals in food supplements, which could see vitamin C limits slashed by almost 80 percent.
Results from a randomized, phase 2 clinical trial show that adding high-dose, intravenous (IV) vitamin C to chemotherapy doubles the overall survival of patients with late-stage metastatic pancreatic cancer from eight months to 16 months.
When we think of nutrients, we think of things we obtain from our diet. But a careful look at the scientific literature shows there is strong evidence humans can also absorb some nutrients from the air.
New research finds that higher vitamin D supplementation and sufficient serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25-OHD) concentrations are associated with a reduced incidence of respiratory infections among children and adolescents.
Supplementation with omega-3s may help maintain energy metabolism to preserve the function of key organs and inhibit pathological age-related changes, all of which may help delay the aging process, according to a new study from China.
Vitamin C Can Boost Placental Health in Smokers