710 results found for: Cancer

The Omicron Variant: Deliberately Raising The Global State Of Panic

The latest statistics from South Africa reveal that intensive care admissions for the Omicron Covid variant are running at just a third of what they were at the same point in the country’s Delta wave. The figures come following the chair of the South African Medical Association (SAMA) reporting that Omicron’s symptoms are mostly “very, very mild” and could treated at home. With even US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Anthony Fauci now admitting the new variant is “almost certainly” not more severe than Delta, the question that urgently needs to be asked is a very simple one: why is global tension being raised to a state of panic?

How Vitamin D Delivers On Cardio Health

Free from the sun, vitamin D delivers a natural source for one of the hormones essential to our bodies, especially the bones. But when you’re down on this essential nutrient, it’s not only your bones that could suffer, but also your cardio health, according to new research from the University of South Australia.

Jailed ‘Pharma Bro’ Martin Shkreli Ordered To Repay $64m

Martin Shkreli, the former drug firm executive who ordered dramatic price hikes of Daraprim (Pyrimethamine), an anti-parasitic medicine, has been barred from the pharma industry for life. A US federal judge ordered him to repay $64.6m (£47m) in profits he made from the scheme, ruling that his actions had violated laws against monopolies. Shkreli is currently serving a prison sentence for defrauding investors.

Green Tea Daily Wards Off Influenza And Other Respiratory Viruses, Say Researchers

Results from a review and meta-analysis on the effects of tea catechins on influenza and other upper respiratory tract infections reveal “significant preventative effects.”

Preventing A Third World War: The Corporate Driving Forces Behind The Crisis In Ukraine Are The Same Ones That Led To World Wars One & Two

With global attention increasingly focusing on the deepening crisis in Ukraine, the steady drumbeat towards war is becoming ever more audible with each passing day. If […]

Novak Djokovic Willing To Miss Tennis Tournaments Over COVID-19 Vaccine

Novak Djokovic has said he would rather miss out on future tennis trophies than be forced to get a Covid vaccine.

Selenium May Help Reverse Memory Loss

Selenium – a mineral found in many foods – could reverse the cognitive impact of stroke and boost learning and memory in aging brains, according to University of Queensland research.

A Comissão do Codex Alimentarius: Os fatos que todos precisam saber

Criada em 1963, a Comissão do Codex Alimentarius (CODEX) é responsável pela criação de normas, diretrizes e códigos de práticas globais para as indústrias de alimentação […]