Ever since the post-war Nuremberg trials it has been an accepted principle that, with certain exceptions, administering medical treatment without consent is a violation of international human rights law. This European Court of Human Rights ruling potentially threatens to change this. Coming at a time when the people of Europe and the world are being frightened into accepting experimental COVID-19 vaccines, on the grounds they are supposedly the ‘only’ solution to the coronavirus pandemic, the ruling will doubtless be celebrated by the multinational pharmaceutical industry and its investors.
The total market for COVID-19 vaccines is predicted to be worth $100 billion in sales and $40 billion in post-tax profits. Annual vaccinations against mutations of the coronavirus could raise these numbers still further. With global drug and vaccine sales already forecast to reach $1.5 trillion this year, pharmaceutical companies and their investors will now be lobbying for acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines to become mandatory worldwide.
To read how restrictive coronavirus laws contravene the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, see this article on our website.
To read how combining vitamin C with other natural compounds impedes key mechanisms of coronavirus infection, see this article on our website.
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April 15, 2021European Court Of Human Rights Backs Obligatory Vaccinations
“The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that ‘democratic governments’ can make vaccinations obligatory.” [Source: Medicalexpress.com]
Ever since the post-war Nuremberg trials it has been an accepted principle that, with certain exceptions, administering medical treatment without consent is a violation of international human rights law. This European Court of Human Rights ruling potentially threatens to change this. Coming at a time when the people of Europe and the world are being frightened into accepting experimental COVID-19 vaccines, on the grounds they are supposedly the ‘only’ solution to the coronavirus pandemic, the ruling will doubtless be celebrated by the multinational pharmaceutical industry and its investors.
The total market for COVID-19 vaccines is predicted to be worth $100 billion in sales and $40 billion in post-tax profits. Annual vaccinations against mutations of the coronavirus could raise these numbers still further. With global drug and vaccine sales already forecast to reach $1.5 trillion this year, pharmaceutical companies and their investors will now be lobbying for acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines to become mandatory worldwide.
To read how restrictive coronavirus laws contravene the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, see this article on our website.
To read how combining vitamin C with other natural compounds impedes key mechanisms of coronavirus infection, see this article on our website.
Dr. Rath Health Foundation
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