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Vitamin B6 + Folate Combination May Lower Migraine Risk


At increased levels, vitamin B6 and folate have a synergistic relationship in lowering the risk and possibly preventing migraines, according to an analysis that appears in the Nutrition Research journal.


In recent years, several micronutrients have been shown to help reduce the risk or duration of migraine headache attacks. Examples include vitamin D, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids. As promising as this sounds, however, sufferers may be surprised to learn that the earliest research in this area already dates back more than 70 years.

In a fascinating short paper published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in June 1946, Clifford B. Smith M.D. described how he had successfully treated 19 migraine patients with vitamin B2. Of these people, 3 had been suffering from the condition for a period of between 2 to 5 years; 4 for between 5 and 10 years; and 12 for 10 years or longer. Impressively, not only did administration of vitamin B2 result in a marked improvement in general wellbeing for all 19 patients, but most experienced a complete cessation of their attacks.

Moreover, in a clear parallel with what we now know as Dr. Rath’s Cellular Medicine concept, whereby the primary cause of chronic diseases is a long-term deficiency of micronutrients, Smith wrote that he assumed the patients’ migraines all arose from a common origin and that treatment was correcting the cause.

To learn more about the use of vitamin B2 for the control of migraine headaches, see this article on our website.