During the closing months and weeks of 2009, our Foundation received numerous enquiries from people wanting to know whether Codex would “go into global effect on December 31, 2009”. Citing claims they had seen on a website belonging to Rima Laibow and Albert Stubblebeine, they expressed concern that the use of vitamins and other natural health therapies would be prohibited worldwide after that date.
Fortunately however, the date of December 31, 2009 had no practical significance to Codex whatsoever. In other words, vitamins and other natural health therapies were not prohibited worldwide by Codex at the end of 2009 and nor were they ever going to be.
So who are Rima Laibow and Albert Stubblebine, and why are they seemingly so intent upon seeding disinformation and sowing confusion amongst the natural health movement?
Albert Stubblebine
Albert Stubblebine graduated from the United States Military Academy (West Point) in 1952, and served in the U.S. Army for 32 years. Starting his career as an Armor officer, he subsequently rose through the ranks to lead troops at every echelon of Army command, and held several senior posts in U.S. Army Intelligence. His commands as a General Officer included the U.S. Army Intelligence Center and School, the Army’s Electronic Research and Development Command (ERADCOM) and the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). Whilst on active duty Stubblebine also redesigned the intelligence architecture of the United States Army, and restructured the Army Intelligence training curriculum. After his retirement from the Army in 1984 he served until 1990 as the Vice President for Intelligence Systems at BDM Corporation, a private defense sector contractor, and then acted as a part-time consultant to two government contractors: ERIM, and Space Applications Corporation (SAC). More recently, and along with his wife Rima Laibow, Stubblebine sat on the Board of Canadian Submarine Technologies Inc, and claimed to be the designer of AEGIS, “a major Homeland Security private initiative”.
Significantly, therefore, Stubblebine has admitted in a court of law that his “real expertise is government, primarily intelligence.” Moreover, when asked by the court whether he had any other skills, he answered: “Not particularly.”
Given Albert Stubblebine’s background, and his resulting proximity to the U.S. Government, eyebrows began to be raised in the natural health community in early 2005 when, along with Rima Laibow, he launched the website of the Natural Solutions Foundation and began to promote himself as an expert on Codex Alimentarius.
However, for a man who had previously held several senior posts in U.S. Army Intelligence, and who as such would be acutely aware of the need to ensure accuracy in the gathering of information, it quickly became apparent to experienced natural health observers that Stubblebine either hadn’t done his homework properly, or that he and Laibow were intentionally spreading inaccurate and misleading material on Codex and other related dietary supplement issues via their website and press releases. Moreover, despite repeated concerns being expressed by more experienced natural health observers, Stubblebine and Laibow have continued to disseminate this material and pointedly ignored requests to remove it from their website.
Rima Laibow, speaking at Northwest Missouri State University in November 2005
Laibow and Stubblebine almost never cite proper references or provide hyperlinks to the relevant Codex documents in their online writings. As such, anybody coming across their internet material is expected to simply take their word that “under Codex, all cows are to be treated with Monsanto’s recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone and there are no upper limits”, or that Codex mandates that “all food must be irradiated unless eaten locally and raw”, as they don’t provide any proof – in the form of references to the 16,000 pages of official Codex documentation that Laibow claims to have studied – to substantiate their absurd claims.
Which of course brings us to what is arguably the most important point of all: Surely, if Laibow had really read 16,000 pages of official Codex documentation, wouldn’t it be reasonable to expect her to provide proper supporting evidence for the claim that Codex would “go into global effect on December 31, 2009”?
The Codex Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements were adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission at a meeting in Rome, Italy, in July 2005.
As part of their disinformation campaign, Laibow and Stubblebine have been deliberately confusing aspects of the Codex Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements and the European Union’s Food Supplements Directive to suit their own purposes. As such, in the interests of setting things straight, it is worth our taking a moment here to explain that the two of these are NOT one and the same thing.
The Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements were adopted by the FAO and WHO-sponsored Codex Alimentarius Commission in July 2005, and provide a framework for the development of global restrictions upon the manufacture and sale of dietary supplements containing vitamins and minerals. However, the Guidelines have not yet established maximum levels of vitamins and minerals that can be contained in supplements, and nor has there been any date set for the adoption of these. Most importantly of all, the date of December 31, 2009 had no practical significance to these Codex Guidelines whatsoever.
Whilst the European Union’s Food Supplements Directive did go into full effect in Europe on December 31, 2009, it is a piece of internal European Union legislation. As such, only consumers living within the European Union will be directly affected by it.
The lesson behind Aesop’s classic fable “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” is that nobody ever believes a liar – even when they are telling the truth. As such, with the passing of the December 31, 2009 deadline, there can be no doubt whatsoever that the window dressing has fallen away from Laibow and Stubblebine’s façade.
To anybody doubting that Laibow and Stubblebine are playing fast and loose with the truth, we hereby invite you to write to them via their website and ask for proof – from the 16,000 official Codex documents that Laibow claims to have studied – that Codex was going to “go into global effect on December 31, 2009” and that the use of vitamins and other natural health therapies would be prohibited worldwide from that date.
For if you do, we can absolutely promise you that they will utterly fail to provide you with any such Codex document.
And while you’re on, you might also want to ask them about the following:
In June 2006, Laibow and Stubblebine claimed that “a major newspaper” in an African country they were visiting ran “a full-page story”, in color, on the importance of their stand “on Codex and health freedom”. Alleging that it “urged the country to take care to protect its access to healthy and natural options”, they promised to scan the newspaper and share it with their readership.
But guess what? No scan of any such African newspaper story has ever either been published on the Natural Solutions Foundation’s website or sent out to its newsletter subscribers. Nor have they even so much as named the newspaper concerned.