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Low levels of vitamin B12 may worsen Parkinson’s disease


A study of patients with early Parkinson’s disease found that groups with lower levels of vitamin B12 faced on average a more rapid acceleration of both motor and cognitive symptoms, which slowed in some cases after taking a daily multivitamin.


In common with so many studies being published these days, the finding of this study essentially reflects Dr. Rath’s Cellular Medicine understanding that the primary cause of today’s most common chronic diseases is a long-term deficiency of vitamins and other micronutrients. Through defining an optimum daily intake of these nutrients as a basic preventative measure for maintaining health, Dr. Rath’s research opens up the groundbreaking possibility of reducing the incidence of chronic diseases – including neurologically based ones such as Parkinson’s – to a fraction of their current occurrence.

To learn more about Dr. Rath’s innovative healthcare approaches, visit the Cellular Medicine section of our website.

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