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Medical Education Does Not Equip Students To Provide High Quality Nutritional Care To Patients


Worldwide, nutrition is insufficiently incorporated into medical education, meaning that medical students lack the confidence, skills and knowledge to provide nutritional care to patients, according to a systematic review of 24 studies published in The Lancet Planetary Health journal.


It is well known that most medical students receive little or no proper training in nutrition. For example, an academic survey published in 2010 found that medical students in the United States receive an average of only 19.6 hours of nutritional education throughout four years of training. This effectively corresponds to less than 1 percent of their total estimated lecture hours. Even more worryingly, of the 109 medical schools that took part in this academic survey, four offered only optional nutritional instruction; one reported it did not offer any such tuition; and the respondent for one apparently couldn’t supply an answer to the question.

In our interview with sepsis expert Dr. Paul Marik in 2018, he agreed that nutrition is almost completely ignored in medical school curriculums. As a result, he said, citing the example of vitamin C, almost all clinicians have very little understanding of its role in health and disease.

Clearly, therefore, in order to set up any truly effective prevention-based healthcare system, nutrition and Cellular Medicine approaches will have to play a central role. Achieving this will involve radically reorganizing medical school curriculums and tearing down the artificial barriers they have created between nutrition and health.

We encourage you to read about our philosophy for prevention-based healthcare by checking out Dr. Rath’s inspiring Barletta Declaration.

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