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France To Propose Pesticide-Free Buffer Zones In Residential Areas


The French government is preparing to legislate for a 5-meter or 10-meter pesticide-free buffer zone around housing areas.


While this proposal from the French government is in principle a step in the right direction, the reality is that a 5-meter or 10-meter buffer zone is far too small to make any significant difference to the health risks faced by people living close to farms where pesticides are sprayed.

Wind can significantly increase the distances pesticides travel when sprayed. Recent research looking at pesticide exposure in people living close to orchards in England and Wales shows the chemicals can drift distances of up to 1000 meters or more.

The policy position of our Foundation is that fruits and vegetables should be organically grown and free from pesticides. Towards the creation of a new system of healthcare based on preventive approaches, the widespread use of natural agriculture methods is essential.

To read how organic food has been shown to contain higher levels of micronutrients than food produced using pesticides, read this article on our website.

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