A new study has found that cancer survivors who are diagnosed during adolescence or early adulthood are at increased risk of premature death compared to the general population.
The finding of this study is not at all surprising. Essentially, there are two main reasons why cancer survivors are at increased risk of premature death compared to the general population.
Firstly, the use of chemotherapy and other conventional treatments for cancer causes widespread damage to the cells of the body. Among other things, this can result in an impaired immune system; damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, brain, and other organs; impairment of vision and hearing; damage to the digestive system; and the triggering of new cancers in the body.
Secondly, while some cancer patients manage to survive the physical onslaught of conventional cancer treatment, the chronic deficiency of essential micronutrients in their bodies – which as Dr. Rath has shown is the primary cause both of cancer and other chronic diseases – essentially remains untreated. As such, even if they survive their original diagnosis, cancer patients who have undergone conventional treatments remain at risk of developing further chronic diseases that put their health and lives at risk.
To read about natural health approaches that have been shown to block all key mechanisms that make cancer a deadly disease, read the book ‘Victory Over Cancer’, authored by Dr. Rath with Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki.
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February 20, 2020Young Cancer Survivors Face Higher Risk Of Severe Health Problems In Later Life Than General Population
A new study has found that cancer survivors who are diagnosed during adolescence or early adulthood are at increased risk of premature death compared to the general population.
The finding of this study is not at all surprising. Essentially, there are two main reasons why cancer survivors are at increased risk of premature death compared to the general population.
Firstly, the use of chemotherapy and other conventional treatments for cancer causes widespread damage to the cells of the body. Among other things, this can result in an impaired immune system; damage to the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, brain, and other organs; impairment of vision and hearing; damage to the digestive system; and the triggering of new cancers in the body.
Secondly, while some cancer patients manage to survive the physical onslaught of conventional cancer treatment, the chronic deficiency of essential micronutrients in their bodies – which as Dr. Rath has shown is the primary cause both of cancer and other chronic diseases – essentially remains untreated. As such, even if they survive their original diagnosis, cancer patients who have undergone conventional treatments remain at risk of developing further chronic diseases that put their health and lives at risk.
To read about natural health approaches that have been shown to block all key mechanisms that make cancer a deadly disease, read the book ‘Victory Over Cancer’, authored by Dr. Rath with Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki.
Read article at medicalxpress.comDr. Rath Health Foundation
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