Conservative member of parliament David Davis deserves much credit for raising this important issue in the UK House of Commons. For while Boris Johnson’s government has already begun distributing free vitamin D supplements to at-risk groups in the UK, as yet only extremely vulnerable elderly people in care homes are getting them.
Based on the example of the Andalusia region of Spain, a more widespread distribution of this essential micronutrient could help save many lives. Following the commencement of vitamin D distribution in Andalusia in November 2020, the region’s death rate from the coronavirus pandemic fell from 187 per million to just 11 per million at the start of January 2021. Meanwhile, over the same period, the rate in the UK increased from 175 per million to more than 300 per million.
To read how studies carried out by scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute have shown that synergistic combinations of micronutrients can block the interaction between the binding site of the coronavirus ‘spike’ and its specific cellular entry door into human cells, see the press releases we published in July and August 2020.
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February 12, 2021UK Prime Minister Urged, ‘Look To Andalusia’s Vitamin D Use In Tackling COVID-19’
“UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been urged to follow the example of Andalusia and distribute vitamin D supplements to people most at risk of contracting COVID-19.” [Source: ]
Conservative member of parliament David Davis deserves much credit for raising this important issue in the UK House of Commons. For while Boris Johnson’s government has already begun distributing free vitamin D supplements to at-risk groups in the UK, as yet only extremely vulnerable elderly people in care homes are getting them.
Based on the example of the Andalusia region of Spain, a more widespread distribution of this essential micronutrient could help save many lives. Following the commencement of vitamin D distribution in Andalusia in November 2020, the region’s death rate from the coronavirus pandemic fell from 187 per million to just 11 per million at the start of January 2021. Meanwhile, over the same period, the rate in the UK increased from 175 per million to more than 300 per million.
To read how studies carried out by scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute have shown that synergistic combinations of micronutrients can block the interaction between the binding site of the coronavirus ‘spike’ and its specific cellular entry door into human cells, see the press releases we published in July and August 2020.
Dr. Rath Health Foundation
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