Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Threatens To Jail Those Who Refuse Covid-19 Vaccine
June 25, 2021
Vitamin D Deficiency May Increase Risk For Addiction To Opioids
June 25, 2021

Hundreds Of Vaccinated Indonesian Health Workers Get COVID-19, Dozens In Hospital


“More than 350 doctors and medical workers have caught COVID-19 in Indonesia despite being vaccinated, and dozens have been hospitalized, officials said, as concerns grow about the efficacy of some vaccines against more infectious variants.” [Source:]


The futility of employing a vaccine-only approach to the pandemic is rapidly becoming apparent.

In Britain a recent report revealed that almost a third of people who recently died with the so-called Delta (Indian) variant of COVID-19 had already received two doses of coronavirus vaccines. Published by Public Health England (PHE), an executive agency of the UK government’s Department of Health and Social Care, the analysis shows that of 42 people who died with the Delta variant, 12 were officially classed as fully vaccinated.

Coming at a time when the British public are being urged to volunteer for trials to test whether a third vaccine dose could protect against new variants of the virus, the PHE finding seems likely to be used to promote the idea that regular ‘booster’ doses of the vaccines are supposedly now needed. With many people already understandably concerned about the rapid development and rollout of the current generation of vaccines, such a strategy threatens to expose the global population to increasing health risks.

To learn how combining vitamin C with other natural compounds impedes key mechanisms of coronavirus infection effectively and safely, read this article on our website.

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