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Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Threatens To Jail Those Who Refuse Covid-19 Vaccine


“Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has threatened to jail people who refuse to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.” [Source:]


Ever since the post-war Nuremberg trials it has been an accepted principle that, with certain exceptions, administering medical treatment without consent is a violation of international human rights law. Nevertheless, Rodrigo Duterte is hardly alone in resorting to resorting to coercion and making COVID-19 vaccines mandatory.

In Russia, the mayor of Moscow recently ordered mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for residents of the Russian capital working in the service industry. The UK government has similarly announced that the vaccines are to be compulsory for care home staff working in England. It is expected that this requirement will be extended to include all healthcare workers in the UK.

Presaging these developments, the so-called ‘European Court of Human Rights’ recently ruled that ‘democratic governments’ in Europe can make vaccinations mandatory.

In the United States, over 500 educational institutions have announced that COVID-19 vaccinations will be mandatory for some or all students and employees. Fighting back, students are suing Indiana University over its implementation of a mandatory vaccination policy.

In Texas, nearly 200 staff members at a hospital were suspended for refusing to be vaccinated against the virus. A federal judge in the state recently became one of the first American judges to affirm a mandatory vaccination policy. Investment bank Morgan Stanley says unvaccinated staff and clients will be barred from entering its New York offices.

Vaccine coercion can also take more subtle approaches. In Pakistan, for example, the government of the Punjab province has reportedly decided to block the SIM cards of people refusing to get vaccinated against the coronavirus.

To learn how a study funded by the American government recently concluded that the risks of COVID-19 vaccines are not being adequately disclosed, read this article on our website.

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