In a recent study, researchers from the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in Iran examine the effects of intravenous vitamin C on critically ill intensive care unit (ICU) patients with severe pneumonia. Published in the BMC Infectious Diseases journal, the study found that treatment with vitamin C was safe and could decrease inflammation, the duration of mechanical ventilation, and use of vasopressor medications such as norepinephrine (noradrenaline). Among the 40 patients in the control group, 11 deaths occurred. The group of 40 patients given vitamin C saw just 6 deaths. The study results add to the growing body of evidence supporting the use of vitamin C in the treatment of respiratory infections.
The study was conducted in the form of a randomized double-blinded clinical trial. Patients received either a 60 milligrams per kilogram of bodyweight infusion of vitamin C per day for a period of 4 days, or a normal saline solution. Both groups of patients also received standard pneumonia treatment, including antibiotics. The patients had an average age of about 58.
The researchers note that treatment with vitamin C is associated with an improvement in patients’ oxygenation levels. Based on their findings, they conclude that a significant increase in levels of vitamin C can result in significant improvement in pulmonary organ function, as well as a decrease in inflammation/infection in critically ill patients. Crucially, they stress that the earlier vitamin C therapy is started, the better are the results.
Vitamin C deficiency is common worldwide
The researchers also note that critically ill patients frequently suffer from vitamin C deficiency. One particularly interesting piece of research they cite found that nearly 70 percent of critically ill patients had hypovitaminosis C despite receiving standard ICU nutritional support.
Other researchers have made similar observations. Dr. Paul E. Marik, an ICU physician at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in the United States, says around 40 percent of ICU patients with septic shock have extremely low serum levels of vitamin C that are consistent with a diagnosis of scurvy, and that the remainder of sepsis patients similarly have insufficient levels. Based on these findings, Marik has had remarkable success treating sepsis and septic shock with an intravenous combination of vitamin C, vitamin B1, and the hormone hydrocortisone.
With a recent review of the available evidence showing that vitamin C deficiency is common worldwide, the need for science-based supplementation as a preventive healthcare measure is now crystal clear.
The superior power of multi-nutrient approaches
Scientists working at the Dr. Rath Research Institute have taken vitamin C approaches to infectious diseases a step further. In a recent study they examine the efficacy of vitamin C and other natural compounds in lowering the effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme II (ACE2) expression at the cellular, protein, and RNA levels. Present on many cells throughout the human body, ACE2 has attracted much attention recently since it has been reported to be the cellular entry point for SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19. Led by Dr. Aleksandra Niedzwiecki, the institute’s team found that while vitamin C has moderate but consistent lowering effects on ACE2 expression, combining it with other natural compounds further increases its efficacy. The team say their study is the first systematic experimental approach to evaluate natural compounds that work in synergy with vitamin C to impede key mechanisms of coronavirus infection.
In an earlier demonstration of the power of multi-nutrient approaches against infectious diseases, the institute’s team showed that a combination of micronutrients is also beneficial in tuberculosis (TB). Conducted in Ukraine in 2008, this study took the form of a clinical trial involving 120 hospitalized patients with active pulmonary TB and investigated how a synergistically-designed micronutrient combination taken alongside standard treatment affects the healing process.
At the end of the 2-month study period, the TB patients taking the micronutrients were found to show significantly greater signs of healing, as evidenced by their chest X-rays and examination of other key parameters. Cavity healing in the micronutrient group was almost 30 percent higher than in the control group of patients, who received only standard TB drug treatment. Moreover, while all of the study participants in the group taking the micronutrients tested negative to the TB bacteria after the study, only 88 percent of the patients in the control group tested negative.
Given the accumulated scientific evidence that natural health approaches are both effective and safe in controlling infections, the mainstream media’s failure to share this information and the apparent unwillingness of governments to acknowledge it condemns millions of patients worldwide to avoidable deaths every year. With the pharmaceutical industry now hell-bent on coercing the world into accepting experimental COVID-19 vaccinations on an annual basis, the need for this unethical health information block to be brought to an end has never been more urgent.