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The Nazi Roots of the “Brussels EU”

First published in 2010 and containing copies of previously unpublished historical documents sourced from international archives, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’” proves that the key architects of the European Union were recruited from among the same technocrats who had previously designed the plans for a post-WWII Europe under the control of the Nazis. By revealing how the undemocratic nature of the European Union bears a notable resemblance to the intended post-war plans of the Nazis for a “total European economic area,” the shocking information contained in this book essentially marks the beginning of the end for the so-called “EU Project.” As such, mindful that the Europe of today is now teetering on the brink of economic collapse, the authors conclude by showing how the building of a new Europe – designed for the people and by the people – could lead to a world of health, peace and social justice becoming a reality.

Further information

References throughout the book refer to additional material collected on this page. The codes shown below can be found in the red ‘Further information’ boxes located at the bottom of pages in the book

August Kowalczyk:

Chapter 1

The IG Farben Cartel Built Up the World’s Largest Extermination Camp (Page 48 and 49):
‘Brussels EU’ Dictatorship (Page 12 and 13):
The Global Multi-Billion-Dollar Markets of the Chemical/Petrochemical/Drug Cartel (Page 25):
Construction Treaties of the ‘Brussels EU’ (Page 37):
  • More information in the third chapter of our book
    The Oil and Drug Cartel’s attempt to consolidate its political power over Europe
    Read chapter three now!
  • Big tobacco distorted EU treaty, scientists say
    EU Observer, 13 January 2010
How the Oil and Drug Cartel Attempts to Control Europe (Page 14 and 15):
  • EU Facts
    The Information and documents that mark the beginning of the end for the ‘Brussels EU’ experiment
The Cartel’s Patent Expert C.F. Ophüls (Page 42 and 43):
  • Original Document “A”
    Meldebogen for Carl Friedrich Ophüls
    Download PDF here (336 kB)
  • Original Document “B”
    Letter from the Liason & Security Office
    Download PDF here (121 kB)
‘Political Reliable’ Cartel Nazi Becomes Founding Father of the European Court (Page 44 and 45):
Buying Europe for Patents (Page 33):
Ending Democracy and Returning to Medieval Times (Page 18 and 19):
The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal Against the Oil and Drug Cartel (Page 53):
Patents – the key tools to control the world (Page 30 and 31):
‘Political Reliable’ Cartel Nazi Becomes Founding Father of the European Court (Page 44 and 45):
  • Original Document from 1943
    C.F. Ophüls is “political reliable”
    Download PDF here (152 kB)
Enforcing Drug Patents as a Key Element of Global Economic Control (Page 28 and 29):
From Ribbentrop to Guttenberg (Page 65):
  • Extracts from Genealogical Handbook
    Pages concerning the families Ribbentrop and zu Guttenberg
    Download PDF file (130 kB)
The Stakeholders of the Cartel Deprived People of their Democratic Rights! (Page 23):
World War II – Conquest War on Behalf of the Oil and Drug Cartel (Page 51):
The Stakeholders of the Oil and Drug Cartel And How They Chose the President of Europe (Page 16 and 17):
Today Europe – Tomorrow the World (Page 26 and 27):
Hallstein and Project ‘Scorched Earth’ (Page 40 and 41):
The Master Architect of the Brussels EU – Walter Hallstein (Page 34 and 35):
  • More information on Walter Hallstein in the second chapter of our book
    Walter Hallstein: Prominent Nazi Lawyer – And Key Architect of the ‘Brussels EU’
    Read chapter two now

Chapter 2

The Nazi/IGFarben ‘Four-Year-Plan Office’: The Cartel’s Blueprint for the ‘EU Commission’ (Page 145):
Hallstein’s manuscript for his Nazi propaganda speech
Given in Rostock, Germany, on January 23, 1939
Hallsteins Internal ‘Support Team’ for the Conquest of Europe via the ‘Brussels EU’ (Page 111):

Chapter 3

  • Arno Soelter:
    • The original book from the Nazi era can be reviewed here. Downloading is free for private and educational purposes.
    • How the oil and drug cartel made sure that this Nazi/I.G. Farben plan became the blueprint can be reviewed here.
    • More links can be found in the online version of this text here.

Chapter 4

  • Amsterdam Treaty:
    • Brought affairs related to free movement of persons (Article 1.3) under the EU’s legal framework. This made it necessary to create information systems on a European scale, thus giving the Cartel greater abilities to interfere in the private lives of EU citizens.
    • Agreed a program for development of Europol (the European Police Office) activities (Article K.2), thus enabling the Cartel to further its controls over the freedoms of European citizens across national boundaries.
    • Further developed the common security policy (Article J) to enable the gradual formulation of a common defence policy, thus providing the means by which the Cartel could eventually achieve military control at the global level.
Maastricht Treaty:
  • Opened the way towards political union, thus giving the cartel a greater degree of control over EU countries.
  • Established the final stages towards economic and monetary union, thus giving the Cartel a greater degree of economic control over EU countries.
  • Established a common foreign and security policy, thus giving the Cartel a greater degree of control over activities of the EU countries on the international stage.
  • Established so-called “consumer protection” policies, thus enabling the Cartel to use these as a cover for enforcing its interests. (TITLE XI, Article 129a). The EU’s so-called Food Supplements Directive, passed in 2002, became a classic example of this, whereby Europe-wide restrictions on the sale of vitamin and mineral supplements were brought in on the supposed grounds they were necessary “to ensure a high level of protection for consumers”. In reality, of course, the restrictions were intended to protect the pharmaceutical industry’s multi-billion euro sales from synthetic patented drugs, which, as a result of the discovery of the scurvy/heart disease connection, were threatened by the use of non-patentable therapies such as vitamins.
Nice Treaty:
  • Nice Treaty
  • Brought in a qualified majority voting system for the European Council, thus further reducing the ability of individual EU member states to oppose the interests of the Cartel. As a result of this change, the three main Cartel countries – Germany, France and the UK – along with Italy, now effectively hold the balance of power in the Council.
  • Increased and redistributed the number of seats in the European Parliament in favour of the three main Cartel countries – Germany, France and the UK – plus Italy.

Chapter 7

Angela Merkel:
Anton Reithinger:
  • Background information will follow soon.
Arno Sölter:
Carl Bosch:
  • Background information will follow soon.
Carl Krauch:
Carl-Friedrich Ophüls:
  • Background information will follow soon.
Carl Wurster:
Étienne Davignon:
Edward Heath:
Franco Frattini:
Fritz ter Meer:
François-Xavier Ortoli:
  • Background information will follow soon.
Günther Oettinger:
Hermann-Josef Abs:
  • Background information will follow soon.
Hans Globke:
Helmut Kohl:
Joachim von Ribbentrop:
Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg:
  • Extracts from Genealogical Handbook
    Pages concerning the families Ribbentrop and zu Guttenberg
    Download PDF file (130 kB)
Martin Bangemann:
Max Illgner:
Nicolas Sarkozy:
Otto Ambros:
Peter Sutherland:
  • Background information will follow soon.
Rudolf Augstein:
  • Background information will follow soon.
Werner Daitz:
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