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Germany’s Health Minister Changes Tune On Vaccine Injuries

Prof. Dr. Karl Lauterbach (Gesundheitspolitischer Sprecher, SPD), Foto: Stephan Röhl


“Outside of Germany, few people have heard of Karl Lauterbach, Germany’s Minister for Health. But he’s one of the key figures in the Western Covid response. Once hailed as a hero, he’s now engulfed in the biggest vaccine-injury scandal to have emerged since the pandemic.”

[Image source: Wikimedia]


Previously stating that his aim was to vaccinate every single German citizen against COVID-19, including through the imposition of mandates, if necessary, Lauterbach had also assured people that the injections were without side effects. In reality, however, statistics from Germany’s Ministry of Health show that serious adverse events have occurred in one in 5,000 vaccinations, with the numbers increasing up to 2 in 1,000 for all suspected adverse events.

As a result, over 300,000 cases of vaccine side effects have now been recorded in Germany, with increasing numbers of people lodging compensation claims. Forced into a corner over this development, Lauterbach recently admitted on television that vaccine-induced injuries are indeed a serious issue, and that some people are suffering severely disabling side effects.

Also acknowledging that vaccine manufacturers have essentially been given exemption from liability claims, Lauterbach said that he hopes they will voluntarily help to compensate people harmed by the shots. Moreover, in another astonishing turnaround, having previously promised that pharmaceutical companies would not get rich through COVID-19 vaccines, he now admits that their profits have been exorbitant.

Coming from a man who had previously been seen as an establishment hardliner in terms of the COVID-19 public health policies he advocated, Lauterbach’s words confirm the fears that have long been held by many over the use of the experimental shots.

To read how Dr. Rath has called for the suspension of RNA- and DNA-based COVID-19 vaccines, citing their potentially devasting side effects, see this article on our website.

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