Today, we have published a new lecture by Dr. Rath: ‘Ending the Current Pandemic – Preventing Future Pandemics!’
While the current pandemic seems to subside in some parts of the world, it continues to threaten the health of millions of people, especially in the developing world.
The economic burden of this pandemic has already taken breathtaking dimensions in industrialized and developing nations alike, threatening the continuation of economic, social, and political life as we know it.
Lacking other perspectives, the political stakeholders are trying to prevent a complete collapse by not just ‘borrowing’ thousands of billions of dollars from the people of the world – but literally ‘stealing’ it from us, since there will be little chance of repayment.
The amount of money already allocated for this purpose will no longer allow a secure social life in the future. Particularly devastating will be the effect of this giant ‘robbery’ on future generations. For them, the economic decisions taken today will strangulate their entire lives – it will be a ‘knee on their neck’ for an entire lifetime.
In order to minimize this foreseeable catastrophe for this and future generations, we need to unite behind effective public health strategies that can be implemented right now around the world – and with the help of the people of the world. This is the purpose of Dr. Rath’s presentation.
This video answers the two most urgent questions:
- How can we end the current pandemic globally – as fast as possible?
- How can we help to prevent future pandemics – starting right now?
These questions can only be answered on the basis of a factual and clear analysis of the current pandemic. This analysis inevitably leads us to effective public health strategies that can be implemented anywhere in the world.
So, if you are:
- A student or teacher – You should take advantage of this information for your school, or any other educational institution you are in;
- An employee or manager – You should take advantage of this knowledge to secure the physical and economic health of your company;
- A citizen or politician anywhere in the world – We call upon you to implement the health strategies outlined here.
Do it for yourself, your children, and all future generations!