As this article describes, claims of better yields and higher profits cannot counterbalance the dark side of genetically modified crops. Through reducing genetic diversity between crops, a reliance on genetically modified seeds threatens countries’ national security. Ensuring a wide genetic diversity is important as a means of helping protect a country’s harvests from being destroyed by invasive pathogens affecting specific plant variants.
Moreover, in today’s world there is also the very real danger that gene-based bioweapons could potentially be used to target specific crops in a country’s food supply. Here too, ensuring greater genetic diversity helps protect against a large portion of the food supply being destroyed through such bioterrorist attacks.
But that is not all. In addition to the potential health risks, foods produced from genetically modified seeds strip farmers of their crop rights through the corporate leverage of patents. Due to cross pollination from wind and suchlike, non-GMO farmers are increasingly being sued for unintentionally growing genetically modified seeds on their land. Through also forcing farmers to purchase new seeds for each harvest rather than sowing those saved from previous harvests, GMO manufacturers are essentially able to hold entire farms – and, increasingly, countries – hostage.
To read how insects are rapidly developing tolerance to crops that have been genetically modified to produce pest-killing poisons, see this article on our website.
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June 30, 2022The Dark Side Of Genetically Modified Food
“The proliferation of genetically modified food promotes food security but concurrently is a national security risk, strips rights from farmers, and lacks essential research and regulation.” [Source:]
As this article describes, claims of better yields and higher profits cannot counterbalance the dark side of genetically modified crops. Through reducing genetic diversity between crops, a reliance on genetically modified seeds threatens countries’ national security. Ensuring a wide genetic diversity is important as a means of helping protect a country’s harvests from being destroyed by invasive pathogens affecting specific plant variants.
Moreover, in today’s world there is also the very real danger that gene-based bioweapons could potentially be used to target specific crops in a country’s food supply. Here too, ensuring greater genetic diversity helps protect against a large portion of the food supply being destroyed through such bioterrorist attacks.
But that is not all. In addition to the potential health risks, foods produced from genetically modified seeds strip farmers of their crop rights through the corporate leverage of patents. Due to cross pollination from wind and suchlike, non-GMO farmers are increasingly being sued for unintentionally growing genetically modified seeds on their land. Through also forcing farmers to purchase new seeds for each harvest rather than sowing those saved from previous harvests, GMO manufacturers are essentially able to hold entire farms – and, increasingly, countries – hostage.
To read how insects are rapidly developing tolerance to crops that have been genetically modified to produce pest-killing poisons, see this article on our website.
Dr. Rath Health Foundation
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