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New Study Using Human Fibroid Cells Supports Use Of Green Tea Compound As Treatment For Uterine Fibroids


In a pre-clinical, proof-of-concept study, researchers found that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a green tea compound with powerful antioxidant properties, could be promising for both treating and preventing uterine fibroids.
[Source: medicalxpress.com]


The term ‘uterine fibroids’ describes a non-cancerous growth of muscle and connective tissue that forms rubbery knots which are distinct from the surrounding tissue in the uterus (womb). This fibrous mass, also known as leiomyoma or myoma, mostly originates from smooth muscle cells lining the wall of the uterus.

While researchers don’t exactly know what causes fibroids, they think that each myoma tumor occurs as a result of the formation of abnormal muscle cells in the uterus. These cells tend to divide rapidly and develop into a lump with the help of the female sex hormone estrogen.

The symptoms of fibroids can include painful, heavy menstruation, sometimes with blood clots; periods that last longer than normal; bleeding that occurs between periods; abdominal discomfort; pelvic pain; weight gain and bloating; frequent and sometimes difficult urination; constipation; and painful intercourse.

Fortunately, scientific studies show that certain micronutrients and plant extracts are helpful in preventing and reducing the growth of fibroids. To learn more, download a free copy of the special brochure, ‘Cellular Medicine and Uterine Fibroids,’ from our website.

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