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While the mainstream media remains locked in a state of denial regarding the power of vitamins against COVID-19, an important new systematic review and meta-analysis assesses the impact of vitamin D supplements on coronavirus patient outcomes. Published in the Nutrients journal by researchers from Italy, it is said to be the first meta-analysis conducted exclusively on studies examining preventive vitamin D supplementation prior to diagnosis of COVID-19. Examining a total of 16 publications, the researchers found what they describe as a “definitive and significant association” between the protective role of vitamin D and a reduced incidence of COVID-19 and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) admission.
Of the 16 publications analyzed, 7 were randomized controlled trials. The remainder were categorized as analytical studies. The doses of vitamin D used ranged from 400 IU to 5,000 IU daily, 5,600 IU to 50,000 IU weekly, and 10,000 IU to 100,000 IU monthly. Studies using calcifediol, a vitamin D3 analog, gave 54,000 IU monthly, 0.266 mg monthly, or 250 mcg per dose. Over one million participants were assessed in the studies.
The protective effect of vitamin D was especially apparent in populations with a high incidence of deficiency/insufficiency in the nutrient. Healthcare workers were found to have a particularly high incidence of vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency. The researchers suggest that the reduction in intensive care demands resulting from the use of vitamin D could bring a consequential decrease in expenses, antibiotic therapies, and the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains.
The analysis adds to what is now a considerable body of evidence demonstrating the benefits of vitamin D against COVID-19. Research published in 2023 by a separate group of Italian researchers similarly found ‘definitive evidence’ that vitamin D supplementation protects against COVID-19-related ICU hospitalization.
Even by early 2021, Spanish doctors were already saying that high doses of vitamin D could cut the risk of death in hospitalized coronavirus patients by a dramatic 60 percent. Earlier still, in mid-2020, it was shown that combining vitamin D3 with magnesium and vitamin B12 reduces the severity of disease in older COVID-19 patients.
As important as vitamin D is, however, the most significant development in the field of natural approaches to COVID-19 is the awarding of a patent to the Dr. Rath Research Institute for a specific nutrient combination to prevent and treat coronavirus infections. Employing vitamin C, quercetin, baicalin, N-acetylcysteine, naringin, and resveratrol, as well as extracts from broccoli, black tea, and turmeric, the combination simultaneously inhibits all pathways used by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus to infect the human body. The growing public awareness of this revolutionary natural health approach threatens multibillions of dollars-worth of sales in COVID-19 drugs and vaccines.
Early in the pandemic, assisted by their stakeholders in politics, medicine, and the mainstream media, Pfizer, Moderna, and other pharmaceutical companies were able to terrify millions of people to such an extent that they willingly submitted to being injected with experimental vaccines. The consequences of this deception are rapidly now becoming apparent. But with a wealth of evidence attesting to the effectiveness and safety of science-based natural approaches to enhancing immunity, in the event of another global pandemic the people of the world will not be so easily fooled again.