Keaton Peck, the young boy at the center of this story, is unfortunately only the latest in a long line of children who have had toxic chemotherapy drugs forced upon them against the wishes of their parents.
Other prominent examples in recent years have included Oshin Kiszko, Nick Gundersen, and Ashya King. In each of these cases, it is difficult not to conclude that the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’ and its stakeholders would prefer young cancer patients to die rather than see them recover through the use of science-based natural health approaches. These interests realize that any positive publicity given to effective, safe cancer treatments not involving chemotherapy or radiation is a threat to their multibillion-dollar annual profits.
Our Foundation has long witnessed the lengths to which stakeholders of the pharmaceutical industry will go in order to prevent parents from accessing scientifically proven natural cancer treatments for their children. In this respect, we are particularly mindful of the case history of a young German boy, Dominik Feld, who received a diagnosis of bone cancer in 2002. The fight between an outmoded and inhuman form of treatment, chemotherapy, and a breakthrough approach with no side effects, Cellular Medicine, accompanied Dominik to his untimely death in 2004.
Our ongoing commitment to the memory of Dominik is that he did not die in vain. To the contrary, his battle helped prepare the way for a new era in science-based natural medicine in which a diagnosis of cancer will no longer be seen as a death sentence. As we see it, parents who want to pursue natural approaches to cancer treatment for their children are on the side of the truth. Ultimately it is the scientific facts, not the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’, that will prevail in this global battle.
To learn the scientific facts about chemotherapy drugs and their dangers, visit the Chemo Facts section of our website.
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July 28, 2023Authorities Retain Custody Of Texas Boy With Cancer Whose Parents Oppose Continued Chemotherapy
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[Image source: Wikimedia]
Keaton Peck, the young boy at the center of this story, is unfortunately only the latest in a long line of children who have had toxic chemotherapy drugs forced upon them against the wishes of their parents.
Other prominent examples in recent years have included Oshin Kiszko, Nick Gundersen, and Ashya King. In each of these cases, it is difficult not to conclude that the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’ and its stakeholders would prefer young cancer patients to die rather than see them recover through the use of science-based natural health approaches. These interests realize that any positive publicity given to effective, safe cancer treatments not involving chemotherapy or radiation is a threat to their multibillion-dollar annual profits.
Our Foundation has long witnessed the lengths to which stakeholders of the pharmaceutical industry will go in order to prevent parents from accessing scientifically proven natural cancer treatments for their children. In this respect, we are particularly mindful of the case history of a young German boy, Dominik Feld, who received a diagnosis of bone cancer in 2002. The fight between an outmoded and inhuman form of treatment, chemotherapy, and a breakthrough approach with no side effects, Cellular Medicine, accompanied Dominik to his untimely death in 2004.
Our ongoing commitment to the memory of Dominik is that he did not die in vain. To the contrary, his battle helped prepare the way for a new era in science-based natural medicine in which a diagnosis of cancer will no longer be seen as a death sentence. As we see it, parents who want to pursue natural approaches to cancer treatment for their children are on the side of the truth. Ultimately it is the scientific facts, not the pharmaceutical ‘business with disease’, that will prevail in this global battle.
To learn the scientific facts about chemotherapy drugs and their dangers, visit the Chemo Facts section of our website.
Dr. Rath Health Foundation
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