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Research Confirms The Central Role Played By Vitamin C In Defending The Body Against COVID-19

To anyone who has examined the evidence, it has long been clear that vitamin C is the critical micronutrient in the fight against COVID-19. Over the past three years, numerous studies have demonstrated its impressive effects – even in patients at life-threatening stages of the disease. While the mainstream media has predictably made very little mention of this, research clearly now confirms the central role played by vitamin C in defending the body against SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19.

The first clinical evidence demonstrating the efficacy of vitamin C against COVID-19 came early in 2020. Reporting on their use of high doses of the vitamin, a medical team from China described how patients suffering from severe coronary pneumonia, a potentially fatal complication of COVID-19, had made successful recoveries. Following the publication of Dr. Rath’s widely read Open Letter in March 2020, which summarized how vitamin C and other micronutrients can help in viral infections, doctors in New York state were similarly then said to be using high-dose vitamin C in their fight against the pandemic. Further successful case reports subsequently emerged from China and South Korea.

Key developments in the use of vitamin C to fight COVID-19

A key development towards the natural control of the pandemic came in October 2020, when a placebo-controlled clinical study from China documented that vitamin C greatly reduces mortality in patients at life-threatening stages of COVID-19. Proving that an effective, safe, affordable method to help control the pandemic was already available, the study showed that high-dose vitamin C could cut the death rate almost in half compared to a control group that received the placebo.

Subsequent to the Chinese study, research published in early 2021 by scientists at the Dr. Rath Research Institute demonstrated that combining vitamin C with other natural substances impedes key mechanisms of coronavirus infection. Taking advantage of the principle of micronutrient synergy, the research showed that a specific combination of micronutrients can lower the effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme II (ACE2) expression at the cellular, protein, and RNA levels. This was an important finding as ACE2 is the cellular entry point for the SARS-CoV2 coronavirus. While vitamin C itself has moderate but consistent lowering effects on ACE2 expression, the research proved that combining it with other natural compounds increases its efficacy.

A further game-changing development then followed in early 2022 when the Dr. Rath Research Institute revealed that a micronutrient combination utilizing vitamin C, N-acetylcysteine, and 7 specific plant extracts was highly effective in inhibiting not only the original SARS-CoV-2 virus, but also its Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Kappa, and Mu variants. As reported in the Wall Street Journal, so significant was this finding that the combination was subsequently awarded a patent by the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Adding further to the growing body of evidence, a systematic review and meta-analysis published earlier this year examined 11 randomized controlled trials and found “significant mortality benefits” when vitamin C is used against COVID-19. The results were particularly notable in patients with severe forms of the disease. The authors say their findings concur with the widely hypothesized benefits for vitamin C that have been discussed since the beginning of the pandemic.

We were right (again)!

Other recent studies prove that not only have Dr. Rath and his team of scientists been right all along about the efficacy of vitamin C against COVID-19, but their findings are increasingly being recognized and followed up on. For example, a study published in 2022 in the prestigious EMBO Reports journal confirmed that vitamin C reduces ACE2 protein levels, and concluded that its administration is a “potent strategy” for preventing SARS-CoV-2 infection. Similarly, a 2022 study published in the Libyan Journal of Medicine specifically refers to the Dr. Rath Research Institute’s work and examines the roles of vitamins C and D in fighting the virus.

While the mainstream media continues to ignore these scientific developments, and even deny them, we ourselves have seen this sort of thing happen before. When we first announced in 2005 that micronutrients can reverse the course of AIDS, we were immediately attacked and accused of promoting “quackery.” By 2013, however, even the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) had recognized we were right and confirmed that long-term supplementation with micronutrients reduces the risk of immune decline and illness in HIV-infected patients. Since then, our detractors have fallen silent.

As a trailblazer for science-based natural health, the passage of time has proven us correct about micronutrients and the control of HIV/AIDS. In the same way, the evidence is increasingly now showing we are right about vitamin C and the natural control of COVID-19. For optimum protection against viral infections, our advice remains the same today as it has always been: follow the (natural health) science.


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Paul Anthony Taylor
Paul Anthony Taylor
Executive Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation and one of the coauthors of our explosive book, “The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU'”, Paul is also our expert on the Codex Alimentarius Commission and has had eye-witness experience, as an official observer delegate, at its meetings.

Prior to joining the Foundation, Paul's background was in the music industry, where he worked as a keyboard player and programmer with artists including Paul McCartney, Bryan Ferry, Bill Withers, the Verve, Texas, and Primal Scream.

He first became interested in natural health after falling ill with a chronic fatigue syndrome-related disorder in 1991 and subsequently making a full recovery through the use of natural health therapies. After meeting Dr. Rath and Dr. Niedzwiecki at an anti-Codex rally in Berlin in 2002, Paul was inspired to make a life-changing decision to leave the music industry to work for the Foundation and help defend the right of patients worldwide to have free access to natural health approaches.

You can find Paul on Twitter at @paulanthtaylor
Der Executive Director der Dr. Rath Health Foundation ist einer der Koautoren des explosiven Buchs „Die Nazi-Wurzeln der Brüsseler EU“. Paul ist auch unser Experte zum Thema „Codex Alimentarius-Kommission“ und hat Augenzeugenerfahrung als offizieller beobachtender Teilnehmer bei diesen Treffen.

Bevor er seine Arbeit bei der Stiftung antrat war Paul in der Musikindustrie aktiv. Er arbeitete als Keyboard-Spieler und Programmierer mit Künstlern wie Paul McCartney, Bryan Ferry, Bill Withers, the Verve, Texas und Primal Scream.

Sein Interesse an natürlicher Gesundheit wuchs, als er 1991 an Störungen erkrankte, die aus einem chronischen Erschöpfungssyndrom resultierten. Durch natürliche Gesundheitstherapien wurde er schließlich vollständig geheilt. Ein Treffen 2002 mit Dr. Rath und Dr. Niedzwiecki bei einer Anti-Codex-Demonstration in Berlin inspirierte ihn zu einer lebensverändernden Entscheidung und er verließ die Musikindustrie um für die Stiftung zu arbeiten und das Recht der Patienten zu verteidigen, weltweit freien Zugang zu natürlichen Gesundheitsverfahren zu haben.

Auf Twitter ist Paul unter @paulanthtaylor zu finden.